Custom Query (4044 matches)


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Results (301 - 400 of 4044)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Ticket Summary Owner Priority Resolution Created Modified
#1237 Disk space full normal 17 years 17 years
#1238 Incorrect year displayed normal 17 years 10 years
#1240 wrong password can't be corrected normal 17 years 7 years
#1241 Failure to select available local port normal 17 years 17 years
#1242 File update time issue normal 17 years 17 years
#1243 Exported Servers are lost normal 17 years 17 years
#1245 Filezilla doesn't stop when .mkv file is already 100% normal 17 years 17 years
#1246 Russian translation is broken normal 17 years 17 years
#1247 File Transfer removing last slash normal 17 years 17 years
#1248 Renaming file during upload renames wrong file Alexander Schuch normal 17 years 17 years
#1250 Cannot get directory listing from z/VM 5.1 (implicit SSL) normal 17 years 11 years
#1252 Cannot get directory listing from z/VM 5.1 (implicit SSL) normal 17 years 12 years
#3127 Paths without leading '/' character won't work in FTP/SFTP normal outdated 17 years 10 years
#1254 Posting error, moved to FZ 3 site normal 17 years 17 years
#1255 Folder name with a leading or following space Alexander Schuch normal 17 years 17 years
#1256 Sites lost on export/import settings critical 17 years 17 years
#1257 Crashing on Vista normal 17 years 17 years
#1258 Transfer queue window Alexander Schuch normal 17 years 17 years
#1261 file mix ups normal 17 years 17 years
#1264 passwords accepted from copied Filezilla.xml normal 17 years 17 years
#1265 Fixed, maybe normal 17 years 17 years
#3153 Remote files treated as directories normal fixed 17 years 10 years
#1266 Name endings with trailing spaces cause troubles normal 17 years 17 years
#1267 content of downloaded files maybe wrong normal 17 years 17 years
#1268 Inaccessibility do to focus issues normal 17 years 17 years
#1270 File content swap normal 17 years 10 years
#3168 Dialog for already existing files misplaced normal 17 years 17 years
#1272 HTTP Proxy authentication Base64 extra = Alexander Schuch normal 17 years 16 years
#1273 Sites Don't Save on Exit of Filezilla normal 17 years 17 years
#1276 Uninstaller detected as Adware.CPush by Symantec Antivirus normal 17 years 17 years
#1277 can't multitask/browse & upload different dirs normal 17 years 17 years
#1278 Filezilla shows hidden files regardless of Windows settings normal 17 years 17 years
#1279 different sorting in tree and file view Alexander Schuch normal 17 years 17 years
#3176 Site Passwords not encrypted in sitemanager.xml normal 17 years 11 years
#1282 Timezone issue Alexander Schuch normal 17 years 17 years
#3191 Always trust certificate in future sessions not work normal 17 years 17 years
#3192 Error loading queue.xml normal 17 years 17 years
#3194 View/Edit Missing normal 17 years 17 years
#3195 Limit number of simultaneous connections != Queue transfer normal 17 years 17 years
#3196 Apple Mouse scroll wheel causes app failure normal 17 years 17 years
#1285 Leading spaces confuse client normal 17 years 17 years
#3197 UTF8/Umlaute-Bug in German normal 17 years 10 years
#3198 No way to set the Interface to use Medium or Large Icons normal 17 years 16 years
#3199 A few Blukis Icons look jagged in Medium and Small sizes normal 17 years 17 years
#3200 Searching with keyboard doesn't work anymore normal 17 years 17 years
#3202 Toolbar does not take Windows default color normal 17 years 17 years
#3203 File selection bug when file filtering is enabled normal 17 years 17 years
#3204 progress bars etc. don't obey scrolling in queue view normal 17 years 17 years
#3205 Upload Progress bar on bottom windows normal 17 years 17 years
#3207 can't see directory high 17 years 10 years
#1287 Deleting a lot of files takes very long normal 17 years 17 years
#1288 Filezilla 2.2.20 introduced a USER32.DLL bug on Win95OSR2 Alexander Schuch normal 17 years 17 years
#1289 Deletes All Settings normal 17 years 17 years
#3209 Dialog "settings" displaced. normal 17 years 17 years
#3210 File-size only displayable in bytes normal 17 years 17 years
#3212 Queue and Server-Protocol always shown by default normal 17 years 17 years
#3213 Language changing bug normal 17 years 17 years
#3215 Write to write-protected folder shows "file already exists" normal 17 years 17 years
#3216 Directory panes get bigger and bigger on each restart normal 17 years 17 years
#3217 Command Lines Aren't Properly Accepted normal 17 years 17 years
#3218 Remember password is checked normal 17 years 17 years
#3219 Site Manager: Cannot Drag Existing Sites normal 17 years 17 years
#3220 Dragging Folder to Local doesn't show up normal 17 years 17 years
#3222 Connection dropped every 10 minutes normal 17 years 17 years
#3223 Disconnect on deletion of large files normal 17 years 17 years
#3224 Can't select OpenVMS folders normal 17 years 17 years
#3226 Export SiteManager Password in Plain Text normal 17 years 17 years
#3227 Filter invalid characters from filename high fixed 17 years 10 years
#3228 remote symlinks displayed as "folder" normal 17 years 17 years
#3229 Renaming with F2 can make things... weird normal 17 years 17 years
#3230 miss setting interface for OPTION_TRANSFERRETRYCOUNT normal 17 years 17 years
#1290 Client wont minimize on Windows Key + M low 17 years 17 years
#1291 Site Manager Size, Position and Drag-Drop normal 17 years 17 years
#3232 reset item from failure queue tab still with same errorcount normal 17 years 17 years
#3233 no delay if dns resolve failed normal 17 years 10 years
#3235 Server-Path in address-bar not correct after copying files. normal 17 years 17 years
#3236 Cannot create new connection normal 17 years 17 years
#3238 Missing Possibility to Specify FTP Proxy Settings normal 17 years 17 years
#3239 Failed to get desktop path normal 17 years 17 years
#3241 French transation Tim Kosse normal 17 years 17 years
#3242 Colons in file names not replaced Alexander Schuch normal 17 years 17 years
#3243 Repositions its Windows Off the Display by itself normal 17 years 17 years
#3244 Client window close doesn't save window position normal 17 years 17 years
#3245 building FZ3 on Cygwin normal 17 years 17 years
#3246 Remember frame positions normal 17 years 17 years
#3247 Display of connected-to server normal 17 years 17 years
#3248 Filezilla 3 disconnecting every 2 minutes! Alexander Schuch normal 17 years 17 years
#3250 command line options normal 17 years 17 years
#1294 TLS handshake failure with MVS server normal 17 years 10 years
#1295 Incomplete Contents of Directory normal 17 years 17 years
#3257 Site Manager/Preferences Alexander Schuch normal 17 years 17 years
#3260 Client fails to prompt for password Alexander Schuch normal 17 years 17 years
#3263 connection to host server Alexander Schuch normal 17 years 17 years
#3264 Mac OS X Windows behave badly Alexander Schuch normal 17 years 17 years
#1296 Assumption of coding error in CAsyncSocketEx normal 17 years 17 years
#3266 Filezilla crashes when I open an especific site in browser normal 17 years 17 years
#3267 3.5.3 Slow Startup normal outdated 17 years 7 years
#1297 Window Pushed off Screen on Mac osx normal 17 years 17 years
#3269 htm File transfer truncated normal 17 years 10 years
#3270 Server File list not updated on file permission change normal 17 years 17 years
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
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