Custom Query (69 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Keywords Owner Type Priority
#4571 "Transfer as" and "queue as" function new file transfer rename Feature request high
#5062 Increase Max Simultaneous Transfers from 10 to 200. reopened Maximum, Simultaneous, Transfers, Bigger, 10 Feature request high
#5260 fast switch option for maximum simultaneous transfers new fast switch maximum simultaneous transfers Feature request high
#5679 transfer loss of properties new transfer-system Bug report high
#9881 Exporting failed transfers to csv new failed transfer Feature request high
#11703 Stuck on 'Transferring' new Stuck on 'Transferring' Bug report high
#11757 Limit for Concurrent Downloads setting over-rides all Global and User settings, regardless new Global Transfer settings Bug report high
#11948 Files can not transfer. new no transfer Bug report high
#11968 Publish/Quicktransfer button(s) required new Quicktransfer button Feature request high
#12266 bug with manual transfer : its no longer automatically retrieving login details for the currently connected server new manual transfer, not automatically retrieving login details for currently connected server Bug report high
#12765 Shortfalls of FileZilla. new upload, failed transfer Bug report high
#1520 (Repeated) action after queue completion reopened sound feedback transfer permanently Tim Kosse Other normal
#2292 Display ASCII/Binary Transfer Type in Queue new transfer type queue Feature request normal
#2447 Transfer Type on Context Menu new transfer type ascii binary auto context menu Feature request normal
#4285 Stop transfer from this server after finishing all active downloads from this server reopened transfer queue Feature request normal
#4416 Reversed Transfer queue reopened queue, sort, transfer, directory, order Feature request normal
#4700 Right Clicking on a file should offer "transfer AS" option new transfer conversion option Feature request normal
#4732 Don't overwrite file until transfer is complete new overwrite, upload, transfer Feature request normal
#4750 Transfer Speed Per Site new upload download transfer speed site setting Feature request normal
#4938 Separate queues and message logs for tabs new tab, message log, transfer queue Feature request normal
#5046 Local Transfer Management new copy local transfer Feature request normal
#5132 Show total time taken in succesful transfers window new total time, transfer time, time Feature request normal
#5161 View server response for failed transfers new failed transfers queue log Feature request normal
#5425 New feature - Transfer log export new transfer log export Feature request normal
#7160 Saving failed transferece queue new queue transference XML file empty Bug report normal
#7306 File listing in "External site" keeps refreshing/changing during transfer new transfer file listing Bug report normal
#7721 File Import Setting Changes Edit Setting Transfers File Types but lost on restart new Import Settings Transfers File Types Bug report normal
#7784 Add buttons to increase/decrease # of simultaneous transfers new Simultaneous Transfers Buttons Feature request normal
#7871 Dynamic Simultaneous Transfer Limit? new multiple file transfer limit, feature request Feature request normal
#8182 File Transfer Button (FileZilla Client 3.5.3) new GUI, buttons, file transfer Feature request normal
#8260 Force Priority Change new transfer queue priority Feature request normal
#8279 Last transferred feature new recent,last,transfer Feature request normal
#8306 Different transfer type for downloads and uploads new transfer type, ascii, binary Feature request normal
#8346 Filezilla transfer hangs while transfer file to aruba. The 5 threads stops one at a time near end of file. new aruba transfer hangs after a while Bug report normal
#8408 Freeing the "transfert done" list from 100'000+ files takes 5 minutes new transfert list freeing, huge time Feature request normal
#8742 Options - Auto Changing Simultaneous Transfers new Simultaneous Transfers Feature request normal
#9103 Right-click file in queue -> Interrupt, file interrupted and queue rescanned for higher priority files new interrupt transfer Feature request normal
#9111 filezilla 3.7.3 on big queues missing files don't get signaled new transfer queue window Bug report normal
#9570 Apply to current queue - apply to current operation new transfer, queue Feature request normal
#9687 Failed to transfer files from ftp <-> directory (windows) vice versa directly new transfer Bug report normal
#9830 Bug in Filezilla message "File transfer failed" new File transfer Bug report normal
#10616 File transfert: yes/no overwrite or copied. How to know? new file transfert overwrite keep copy replace Feature request normal
#11010 incorrect file difference after file transfer new transfer highlight Bug report normal
#11848 Resume and constitent sending files and directories are buggy new Resume File transfer, Loop Bug report normal
#11929 Manual Transfer v3.42.1 new manual transfer Bug report normal
#12037 During folder upload random files are skipped even though they appear in Successful transfer tab new transfer missing files Bug report normal
#12075 Can't transfer a file after installing the latest update before that OK. new Transferring Bug report normal
#12150 Eliminate Max Simultaneous Transfers limit of 10 new Maximum, Simultaneous, Transfers, Bigger, 10 Feature request normal
#12479 Last 10 files transferred are not named new Displaying the list of file transfers Bug report normal
#12490 No ASCII transfer from web server to PC new ASCII transfer Bug report normal
#12502 Feature Request: Option: Do not save incomplete / aborted files new Handling of aborted transfers Feature request normal
#12585 Auto transfer Type choose for UTF16 text file new Auto Transfer for UTF16 Bug report normal
#12715 2FA Max Number of Connections = 1 fails with new update new 2FA, transfer settings, Bug report normal
#12739 Drag and drop of files with Swedish characters to local computer does not function after last update new Critical file transfer, Invalid character sequence Bug report normal
#12924 Add option to delay before starting the next file transfer in the queue new delay queued transfers Feature request normal
#12974 Upload of file over WIFI results in zero length file but reported as successful transfer new WIFI transfer zero length empty file Bug report normal
#12977 Insecure server, it does not support FTP over TLS. new Aborts transfer to my Website. Bug report normal
#12991 Passive Transfers Fail When Client Has CGNAT IP new passive transfer PASV CGNAT Bug report normal
#13107 Extremely Fast Upload But File Is Small new Fast Upload Fail Full File Transfer Bug report normal
#13144 File transfer issue new file transfer, transfer issue, broken transfer Bug report normal
#13181 File transfer failed halfway while uploading process new The FTP protocol is insecure. Switch from FTP to TLS protocol / File transfer failed Bug report normal
#13209 Holding shift + scrolling up with the mouse pointer over a file initiates a transfer new shift scroll transfer Bug report normal
#13222 SFTP Transfers stall new transfer stall Bug report normal
#13224 4K/ Multiple Monitors Break Drag-and-drop functionality new 4K, Multiple Monitors, File Transfer, File Move Bug report normal
#4568 Context menu on transfer queue tabs new transfer queue tabs context menu Feature request low
#5456 Total of transferred files should change when you change transfer tabs new total size of transferred files Feature request low
#8395 Combine multiple uploads of the same file new transfer-queue Feature request low
#11190 TRANSFER FILE ELAPSE ISSUE moreinfo transfer elapse PABLO Other low
#13127 Translation: Missing german translation for close action since 3.67.1 new translation, i18, german, regression, transfer queue Bug report low
Batch Modify
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Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.