Opened 14 years ago

#7721 new Bug report

File Import Setting Changes Edit Setting Transfers File Types but lost on restart

Reported by: Dylan Owned by:
Priority: normal Component: FileZilla Client
Keywords: Import Settings Transfers File Types Cc:
Component version: Operating system type: Windows
Operating system version: Windows 7 Professional 64 bit


FileZilla allows you to export Settings to an xml file (File | Export Settings).
This works.
You can export settings on one PC (Windows Server 2003 in my case) and then import (File | Import Settings) the xml file on another PC (Windows 7 Professional 64 bit in my case).
This part looks like it works, but it does not work 100%. Let me explain. The import updates your Edit | Setting | Transfers | File Types ascii list and the change works when you do an automatic mode transfer (Transfer | Transfer Type | Auto). However, if you close and reopen the Filezilla Client, your changes to the File Types ascii list are lost.
To Test
. Export your settings.
. Delete one of your ascii File Types, e.g. bat
. Close and reopen Filezilla Client
. Go to File Types ascii list, bat is not there, great.
. Now import your settings that you exported earlier.
. Go to File Types ascii list, bat is there now, great.
. transfer a bat file to a UNIX box in auto mode, great, that works.
. Close and reopen Filezilla Client
. Go to File Types ascii list, bat is not there, BUMMER.

The settings that you import are lost on restart.

This is a pain, if you are trying to use the same "standard" File Types definition at more than one location. If this worked, it would make it a lot easier to use automatic mode for a mixed bag of ascii and binary file types. Youp would be able to get repeatable results.

A separate issue is a feature request: to allow the user to choose to remove items from the Files Types List when importing a Setting XML file, if those files are no in the XML that you are importing, but are in your existing File Types List. Not havign this feature, means that you have to empty your Files Types List before importing the XML or manually delete unwanted file types before or after importing the XML.

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