Custom Query (28 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Keywords Owner Type Priority
#12052 Files are getting minified. Filezilla Version 3.46.0 new FTP, Minify, PHP, Bug, 3.46.0 Bug report critical
#12191 New version of Filezilla has trouble verifying certificates new unknown certificates Bug report blocker
#1588 Info Tip on systray icons new taskbar-notification-area Feature request high
#7288 Overwrite file should occur if the filename is same and filesize is different new Overwrite file should occur if the filename is same and filesize is different Feature request high
#11598 ACTION IF FILE EXIST looks not working with "origin size and date" new Action if file exist Mariano STEMPLER Bug report high
#11872 Latest FileZilla - 3.41.1 does not login to our ftp and shows a certificate inscure algorithm (Also 3.40.0) new certificate, tls, error, connection Bug report high
#11921 Unable to get directory listing new TLS CERTIFICATE LIST_FAIL Bug report high
#12163 "Local site" gives "(some path) does not exist or cannot be accessed." error for some folders on mounted CIFS shares reopened CIFS, does not exist or cannot be accessed Bug report high
#2389 Shortcut to hide new taskbar-notification-area, keyboard-shortcut Feature request normal
#2837 Compare file contents with external program (File Diff) new File Diff Feature request normal
#4783 Filter Files by Modification Date new File, Filter, Modification Date, File Filter Feature request normal
#5111 Cannot easily manage SSL certificates saved in trustedcerts.xml through filezilla client new SSL certificate management Feature request normal
#5148 E-mail notifications new e-mail notifications Feature request normal
#8175 FileZilla Client should use the local certificate store new SSL certificate management Feature request normal
#8478 ftp/s does not support certificate-auth (no password) new ftp/s certificate auth no password Feature request normal
#8930 Option for directory comparison: test only files new directory comparison modification time Feature request normal
#10637 Download/Upload Green Progress Bar in Taskbar new taskbar-notification-area Feature request normal
#10810 FileZilla System Tray Notification Doesn't Disappear, Even If The Program Is Closed new system tray, notification Bug report normal
#11404 "overwrite file if size differs" rule will delete local copy while remote files showing in list but actually not existing new overwrite file size-difference Feature request normal
#11617 Support for OpenSSH Certificate based authentication new openssh certificate Feature request normal
#11803 Openstack Swift - Large object support new openstack swift Feature request normal
#12326 Bad datetime stamp (timestamp) when downloading from Google Drive new modified datetime file stamp Bug report normal
#12691 Trust ISRG Root X1 and ignore "cross-signature" DST Root CA X3 certificates new certificate, Let's Encrypt, expired Bug report normal
#12711 Let's Encrypt certificate not accepted reopened LetsEncrypt certificate rejected Bug report normal
#12892 Shift-click selection working incorrectly in OSX version of Client new OSX shift-click Bug report normal
#12974 Upload of file over WIFI results in zero length file but reported as successful transfer new WIFI transfer zero length empty file Bug report normal
#13098 Can't connect to network new wifi Bug report normal
#13148 UX: New Version notification should happen AFTER user uses the app, not before new new version update notification installer Feature request low
Batch Modify
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