Open feature requests for FileZilla Client (853 matches)

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Results (1 - 100 of 853)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Ticket Summary Owner Priority Created
#13220 A Humble (and Somewhat Ironic) Request to Rein in FileZilla’s MacOS Dock Icon critical 2 weeks
#13217 Allow specifying a public key file to filter SSH-Agent keys for authentication normal 2 weeks
#13205 Allow the Interactive Login to keep the Password normal 6 weeks
#13204 Change Label on Tabs normal 6 weeks
#13202 Non è un Bug Ma un miglioramento. normal 7 weeks
#13189 Drag&Drop improvement normal 3 months
#13188 Dynamic unselecting of selected files normal 3 months
#13171 Pro als AppImage normal 4 months
#13148 UX: New Version notification should happen AFTER user uses the app, not before low 5 months
#13142 Hot keys normal 6 months
#13137 Provide setting to change 'View/Edit' to 'View temp copy' normal 6 months
#13128 Irish Language Support - completed translation needs uploading normal 7 months
#13118 Extend S3 connectivity to non-Amazon S3-API-Compatible sources (like MinIO) normal 7 months
#13102 Favorite Folders for each FTP Site normal 8 months
#13090 A Plea for Harmony in Design: Addressing Filezilla's Logo Dimensions on macOS Dock critical 10 months
#13082 Add contrast to the highlighted folder for better visibility normal 11 months
#13073 Option to Confirm drag'n'drop Directory on remote server high 11 months
#13068 Dark theme high 12 months
#13066 Request for Aditional Feature normal 12 months
#13034 Dock image issue in mac high 14 months
#13009 In interactive logon mode, repetitive password prompt critical 15 months
#13006 Show passwords or function to open ssh in terminal normal 16 months
#12993 Document the process to submit a new Icon Theme normal 17 months
#12986 add toolbar for local and remote view normal 17 months
#12985 resume feature request normal 17 months
#12975 Would it be appropriate to ask for an appeal - openssh has progressed somewhat in 18 years normal 18 months
#12971 Skipped files on a different tab normal 18 months
#12938 Add Windows ARM64 support normal 20 months
#12937 Remember sort order within tabs on exit / Provide last modified/Size etc setting options normal 20 months
#12926 Make available an arm64 ( apple silicon ) build for macOS normal 22 months
#12924 Add option to delay before starting the next file transfer in the queue normal 22 months
#12890 Update logon settings for Site Manager Synchronization normal 2 years
#12869 Add ability to select dark or light mode. normal 2 years
#12867 Save "Files currently being edited" as project normal 2 years
#12855 Import settings from command line normal 2 years
#12805 Folders / Directories normal 2 years
#12794 OSX Icon! :) normal 2 years
#12793 Remove duplicated entries in Site Manager normal 2 years
#12763 Prevent date comparison between remote and local folders normal 2 years
#12758 Support wxWidgets 3.2 normal 3 years
#12742 Show Dropbox team folders low 3 years
#12725 Transfer queue section looks bad/hard to read in desktop dark mode normal 3 years
#12681 FEATURE REQUEST: Authenticate Private SSH keys with passphrase high 3 years
#12679 Automated conversion of \ to / as setting in options? critical 3 years
#12671 allow "download to" dialogue to remember settings normal 3 years
#12659 Convenience of Bookmarking Feature normal 3 years
#12649 Integration with freedesktop secret service normal 3 years
#12625 Remember last synchonisation normal 3 years
#12624 File Explorer View + Streaming Media normal 3 years
#12601 Request for change normal 3 years
#12576 Confirmation prompt before dragging and dropping high 3 years
#12561 Please add 64x64 icon normal 3 years
#12521 Have an "host list" as alternative source for "host" field in Site Settings normal 3 years
#12511 Directory Comparison - add ability to change colors? low 4 years
#12487 Setting Up New Account high 4 years
#12443 Synchronise height of panes low 4 years
#12418 Hide connection URL from tab normal 4 years
#12414 Error: Could not connect to server critical 4 years
#12411 Add a confirm prompt for drag and drop normal 4 years
#12366 Activity Time normal 4 years
#12338 Site manager > right-click option to create new site or new subfolder normal 4 years
#12334 Custom proxy configuration per site entry normal 4 years
#12331 Configure double-click to have different behavior for local vs. remote normal 4 years
#12318 Suggestion for renaming of files normal 4 years
#12316 Ability to change download target (path/name) of queued files low 4 years
#12315 Ability to export remote search results into file normal 4 years
#12314 If file exists locally, overwrite local time stamp without re-downloading the entire file normal 4 years
#12313 Optionally automatically rename/move remote individual files after downloading normal 4 years
#12302 FEATURE REQUEST: Duplicate file feature normal 4 years
#12290 Create new file, in the local pane normal 4 years
#12253 Allow for audio bell on transfer to be muted normal 4 years
#12249 Sorting options: date/time added to queue, and reverse order sorting. normal 5 years
#12243 Client normal 5 years
#12208 Uploads unnecessarily slow normal 5 years
#12204 When queuing file for download Automatically scroll the Queued file list to the bottom normal 5 years
#12193 Comprei e não recebi a chave high 5 years
#12188 Shortcut Generator normal 5 years
#12185 Add a function to disable auto-download installer of new version normal 5 years
#12173 Sorting queue with header doesn't follow remote order low 5 years
#12156 Option to override default local directory normal 5 years
#12151 Misleading Error: "Connection closed by server" normal 5 years
#12150 Eliminate Max Simultaneous Transfers limit of 10 normal 5 years
#12135 Copy/paste from Windows folder to FTP folder normal 5 years
#12087 Right-Click Context menu provides provides fully-qualified pathname to File/Folder. normal 5 years
#12063 New item in context menu Open file location normal 5 years
#12054 Option to Disable Upload Successful Notification normal 5 years
#12049 Multiple windows desired normal 5 years
#12044 Localization files normal 5 years
#12017 Edit/Upload Changes or Unedit workflow normal 5 years
#11994 Open and close Queued Files on transfer normal 5 years
#11983 Support for UNC paths in local tree pane normal 6 years
#11968 Publish/Quicktransfer button(s) required high 6 years
#11963 Colorize remote folder normal 6 years
#11954 Improve web site security : confirm distant (or local) folder move by mouse normal 6 years
#11940 SFTP: add commandline option to specify PPK file e.g. "-keyfile=myfile.ppk" normal 6 years
#11926 File exists action: Option to abort transfer normal 6 years
#11925 Please include additional ftp file manipulation capabilities in FileZilla Client! normal 6 years
#11918 Auto-focus for PW dialog with sftp accounts normal 6 years
#11895 Suggestion normal 6 years
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