Opened 15 months ago

#12985 new Feature request

resume feature request

Reported by: fastdv Owned by:
Priority: normal Component: FileZilla Client
Keywords: Cc:
Component version: Operating system type: Linux
Operating system version: debian 12


currently if we choose resume when upload file, filezilla will not upload anything if file content changed and just notify that file uploaded successfully!

I ask you to add new option that resume files if not changed otherwise overwrite files if something changed.

this could be possible if you check hash of files I guess?

(actually it is a bug that it show file uploaded but nothing uploaded also. at least it should show nothing uploaded!)

imagine you set resume for default action when upload several files of a project. and then you change a file and upload all again. then you think you have new files on server but resume does not uploaded changed files!

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