Custom Query (33 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Cc Owner Type Priority
#1520 (Repeated) action after queue completion reopened Eirik, Tim Kosse Tim Kosse Other normal
#2163 PASV: Output Actual TCP Port As Well assigned kevanb, Tim Kosse, Alexander Schuch Tim Kosse Feature request normal
#2514 GSS auth option assigned dopheide, Tim Kosse, Eirik Tim Kosse Feature request normal
#2644 Fixed "Up Remote Directory" Button assigned ausgard, Tim Kosse, cmnetworx, Alexander Schuch Tim Kosse Feature request normal
#1601 Download graph speed/file/que new Tim Kosse, tinker8, bouzdreaux, the-fr3ak@… Feature request low
#2752 Browse on remote directory on Advanced tab of Site Manager new nissenordin, Tim Kosse, xaminmo@… Feature request low
#2768 Update local folder if content is changed new chris95, Tim Kosse Feature request normal
#2907 Queue autorecovery after crash new ifezs001, Tim Kosse Feature request normal
#434 Transfer of locked files reopened Tim Kosse, scottmitchellsanders@… Feature request normal
#614 Extremely bad performance with drive mappings reopened edwinv, Tim Kosse, justin.guse@… Bug report normal
#852 "Sort folders first in Sitemanager" reopened kolonel, Tim Kosse Feature request normal
#975 Add server type AS400 / Iseries new johnnymac75, Tim Kosse, Alexander Schuch, bobcozzi Feature request normal
#2261 Copy directory listing to clipboard or file new driekske, Alexander Schuch, Tim Kosse Feature request normal
#2286 Toolbar customization/hide Quick Connect Bar new shockzor, Alexander Schuch, Tim Kosse Feature request normal
#2297 Visible Password reopened nessunozero, branstrom, elsapo, gaismair, Alexander Schuch, Tim Kosse Feature request normal
#2441 automatic upload on local dir change new jb82, Tim Kosse Feature request normal
#2451 Metalink (mirror description) support new antbryan, Tim Kosse Feature request normal
#2558 WM_POWERBROADCAST interaction needed reopened cbargar, Tim Kosse Feature request normal
#2613 MSI package new cybot_tm, Tim Kosse, eyebex, bsaksida Feature request normal
#2697 Implement automatic file integrity verification (XCRC ) reopened c0d3h4x0r, Tim Kosse, igitur@… Feature request normal
#2719 Implement prefix search in directory trees new sdx_at_sf, Alexander Schuch, Tim Kosse, bottar19 Feature request normal
#2762 segmented downloading (and uploading?) reopened alinhan, Tim Kosse, aabcce@… Feature request normal
#2791 Add option for ASCII auto conversion to SFTP transfers reopened softinn, Tim Kosse, wallfur@… Feature request normal
#2801 wildcards for VMS and the like new beachlurk, Tim Kosse Feature request normal
#2805 Hidden files new cube8, Tim Kosse Feature request low
#2837 Compare file contents with external program (File Diff) new korneel, Tim Kosse, Alexander Schuch, PhoneixSegovia@…, igitur@… Feature request normal
#2858 Move deleted local files to Trash reopened calfellows, Alexander Schuch, Tim Kosse, bob.dybian@… Feature request normal
#2886 Use of PAC Files for Proxy Configuration new menzer, Tim Kosse, nfunk Feature request normal
#2929 Make View/Edit available offline new draconiz, Tim Kosse, Alexander Schuch Feature request normal
#2977 MODE Z Compression option in filezilla 3 new labidouille, Tim Kosse, denis-hamann, Alexander Schuch, xaminmo@… Feature request normal
#3003 Local directory view is synchronous new gaspard_leon, Tim Kosse, xaminmo@… Feature request low
#3681 Quickconnect includes all attempted logins, including fails reopened garethrpratt, Tim Kosse, dirTdogE@… Feature request normal
#7806 App Data localtion should be customable new darocker22, Tim Kosse Feature request normal
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