Custom Query (2223 matches)


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Results (2201 - 2223 of 2223)

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Component
#12134 Host / Port information reopened Bug report low FileZilla Client
#12173 Sorting queue with header doesn't follow remote order new Feature request low FileZilla Client
#12216 New release Filezilla 3.49.0_win64-setup new Bug report low FileZilla Client
#12316 Ability to change download target (path/name) of queued files new Feature request low FileZilla Client
#12330 Typo on FileZilla home page new Other low Other
#12364 preserve timestamps of transferred files can't work on sftp new Bug report low FileZilla Client
#12443 Synchronise height of panes new Feature request low FileZilla Client
#12457 Server connection issue moreinfo Other low FileZilla Client
#12481 Remote file size not correctly displayed new Bug report low FileZilla Client
#12511 Directory Comparison - add ability to change colors? new Feature request low FileZilla Client
#12592 Subdirectories of queued directories should always be queued immediately after their parent directory new Bug report low FileZilla Client
#12594 Filezilla 3.56.2 wrong MVS Dataset DISPLAY on sftp protokoll new Bug report low FileZilla Client
#12655 FileZilla fault moreinfo Other low FileZilla Client
#12683 a bit more granular controls on accounts new Feature request low FileZilla Server
#12735 need MimeType assosiation inside the 'filezilla.desktop' file new Feature request low Other
#12742 Show Dropbox team folders new Feature request low FileZilla Client
#12920 Registration with --register --regkey=XXX new Bug report low FileZilla Client
#13103 No message about new folder already existing new Patch low FileZilla Client
#13115 local file explorer rename does not update file name new Bug report low FileZilla Client
#13127 Translation: Missing german translation for close action since 3.67.1 new Bug report low FileZilla Client
#13148 UX: New Version notification should happen AFTER user uses the app, not before new Feature request low FileZilla Client
#13153 FileZilla download webpage: Apple Silicon Download new Feature request low Other
#13169 File rename only becomes visibl after F5 new Bug report low Unknown
Batch Modify
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