Custom Query (19 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Keywords Owner Type Priority
#4571 "Transfer as" and "queue as" function new file transfer rename Feature request high
#8269 Rename Filter new invalid character rename Feature request high
#12375 Unable to 'mv' with overwrite new mv rename overwrite Bug report high
#5315 Alternative SFTP directory listing parsing new file space character filename delete rename move ssh ls Bug report normal
#8021 Ability to rename tabs new Rename Tab Feature request normal
#8500 rename a local folder while downloading other folders new rename, client, folder, download Bug report normal
#9390 Client confused trying to rename local file new rename, memory, local Bug report normal
#9440 Do not refresh local tree if renaming new rename,refresh Bug report normal
#9568 File exists action: Option to rename existing file, if duplicate uploaded new rename file, file exists action, rename existing file Feature request normal
#11397 Renaming file cause freeze of app moreinfo rename, freeze, file Bug report normal
#11451 the directory sort gets messed up when you rename a file to the same name as an existing file new rename,directory,sort,move file Bug report normal
#11675 local file rename does not auto-refresh file list new local file rename bug Bug report normal
#12223 Error renaming a file new rename file Bug report normal
#12851 Exiting the program after trying to rename a file new bug, rename Bug report normal
#12874 vision issues with rename files new rename, vision, files Bug report normal
#12929 Renaming file with number pad enter causes a crash new number-pad, numpad, rename, enter-key Bug report normal
#9924 rename and overwrite cause incomplete file list new rename overwrite incomplete file list Bug report low
#11664 Rename file refused in server but accept in client new Rename Directory Bug report low
#13115 local file explorer rename does not update file name new file rename Bug report low
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.