Opened 11 years ago

Last modified 8 years ago

#9568 new Feature request

File exists action: Option to rename existing file, if duplicate uploaded

Reported by: Sascha Owned by:
Priority: normal Component: FileZilla Client
Keywords: rename file, file exists action, rename existing file Cc:
Component version: Operating system type:
Operating system version:

Description (last modified by Alexander Schuch)

Hi there at Filezilla,

it would be nice to have an option to rename the existing file rather then the one being uploaded in the "File exists action" preferences.

Use case:
I upload a modified .php file, but would like to keep the old version of that file for reference/backup.

At the moment to do this I have to rename the existing file by hand, which is rather tedious. Maybe the overwritten file could be named existing file name + the time and date when it was overwritten. Otherwise I guess just .backup or whatever will do.

Change History (3)

comment:1 by JuzJamming, 10 years ago

I am looking for this exact feature. It would be nice to upload new files to a server without worrying about losing existing files altogether. I agree on a rename of the file to include date/time, or at least just add ".bak" or something similar to the filename. The date/time option would allow for multiple backups of the same file.

Thanks for the great program guys!

comment:2 by Alexander Schuch, 10 years ago

Description: modified (diff)
Operating system type: Other

comment:3 by markbecauser, 8 years ago

I second this feature. If the server file can be renamed using a regex to add a suffix or rename the extension it would be great feature. Example, upload index.php to server with existing index.php, this gets renamed to index.php.Mar302017 or index_Mar302017.php or index.bck.Mar302017 or even a random hash index.bck.UIYFID%$DF etc. Many variants to be support, using a regex for flexibility would be great. Keep up the great work on FileZilla!

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