Custom Query (123 matches)


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Results (101 - 123 of 123)

1 2
Ticket Summary Status Keywords Owner Type Priority
#12264 quick connect working on desktop but not on laptop moreinfo Quickconnect Bug report normal
#12396 Webdav connection error, problem new Content-Length, Connection, Error, Redirections Bug report normal
#12403 FileZilla server times out - no connection new Server, Timeout, No Connection Other normal
#12418 Hide connection URL from tab new connection url tab site Feature request normal
#12468 Some HTM Files Created by Outlook 365 Change from En to Ch Character Set Upon Upload new EN Chinese Character Bug report normal
#12473 recurrent disconnections with BigSur new disconnections, slowness Bug report normal
#12528 Could not connect to server new error, server, could not connect Bug report normal
#12578 Error on version 3.56.2 new Error on connection Bug report normal
#12614 Error:ECONNABORTED moreinfo Error ECONNABORTED Aborted Connection Other normal
#12630 Unable to Connect to the Application new server connection problem Bug report normal
#12822 By default, Filezilla Server does not register any exclusions in Windows Firewall, cannot connect until exclusions added to Windows firewall new firewall, connection Feature request normal
#12823 panes cannot be resized on load (macOS) new start, resize, panes Bug report normal
#12887 TAB key does not advance through fields when connected to a remote server new server pane Bug report normal
#13015 Downloads terminate abruptly (OneDrive) new ABEND, OneDrive Bug report normal
#13023 "create new file" does not use the correct line break formatting. CRLF is used for new file on linux server new linebreaks Bug report normal
#13179 Synchronizaton turns off when using "Restore Tabs and connect" new synchronized browsing, restore tabs and connect Bug report normal
#8707 create remote new file based on OS/environment "new file" facility new create new file Feature request low
#8801 A new look for FileZilla new UI, new look, design Feature request low
#12443 Synchronise height of panes new panes Feature request low
#12457 Server connection issue moreinfo server connect issue Other low
#12742 Show Dropbox team folders new dropbox business Feature request low
#13103 No message about new folder already existing new new folder Patch low
#13148 UX: New Version notification should happen AFTER user uses the app, not before new new version update notification installer Feature request low
1 2
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.