Opened 14 months ago

Last modified 14 months ago

#13015 new Bug report

Downloads terminate abruptly (OneDrive)

Reported by: WhitePack Owned by:
Priority: normal Component: FileZilla Client
Keywords: ABEND, OneDrive Cc:
Component version: 3.66.2 Operating system type: Windows
Operating system version: Windows 10 (64-bits)


Unfortunatelly, due to the abruptly interruption it's hard to me to precise if some particular characteristic of the file being downloaded triggers the issue. Nevertheless, it doesn't seem to be file-size related, as I've succeeded downloading other large files, but I would suspect to have some connnection when a folder subtree contains thousands of files. Or yet I would wonder if some very long paths could be the cause? I have experienced the issue repeated times with different parts/subtrees of my OneDrive target connection.

Change History (3)

comment:1 by WhitePack, 14 months ago

It also happened while using Google Drive. I was trying to download an 8.9 MB binary executable file named 'win2k_xp142550 (compatible Win7 32-bit video driver).exe' from the root of my Google Drive when FileZilla client got stuck (kind of freezed) and then abruptly closed without leaving no apparent logs or traces of what might have happened.

I now believe the issue is not exclusive to OneDrive, not file-size related, not related to long paths either. I don't know if it could be something related to some antivirus issue either at the server side or on the Windows 10's Windows Defender, as I haven't any indications on my system or on the remote system.

comment:2 by WhitePack, 14 months ago

It also happened with a 9.4 MB zip file which just contains an archive of a web site and where there's no binary executables at all.

Thus, I now believe that any file which could be subject to some sort of remote "internal inspection" before the download may be triggering the issue (FileZilla client freezes and abend).

comment:3 by WhitePack, 14 months ago

Well, continuing my tests I have now succeeded downloading a 7.9 MB zip file containing binary executables without any problems, although it took a while before starting the transfer, but perhaps the wait was not so long as my other failed attempts previously/above mentioned.

Perhaps there's a timeout threshold to start the transfer above which FileZilla client cannot correctly handle. If the remote site takes too much time checking the remote file for viruses (for isntance), FileZilla may be not correctly handling the "timeout exceeded" signal, perhaps.

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