Custom Query (154 matches)


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Results (101 - 154 of 154)

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Ticket Summary Status Keywords Owner Type Priority
#11182 More details, please ! new directories size Other normal
#11271 Add Ability to Set Default Local and Remote Directories from Current Working Paths new set default button Feature request normal
#11420 No visible tooltip new tooltip Bug report normal
#11451 the directory sort gets messed up when you rename a file to the same name as an existing file new rename,directory,sort,move file Bug report normal
#11454 Keep items in local and remote directory lists refreshed new Folder View Refresh Keep Current Automatic Update Changes File List Filelist Feature request normal
#11559 Feature Request: OS X Mac Auto-Install Auto installer automatically install update new Auto install update installer automatically auto-install updating new version Feature request normal
#11590 Display confirm dialog to dragdrop directory. new dragdrop,directory,confirm Feature request normal
#11607 double-click to download from search window new search, double-click, directory tree Feature request normal
#11613 Add file/directory owner changing in File permissions... new chown owner group file directory permissions Feature request normal
#11652 (000116)6/27/2018 14:24:27 PM - ftp (> 425 Can't open data connection for transfer of "/" new retrieve directory listing Other normal
#11727 storj upload progress bar shows >100% new storj upload progress bug Bug report normal
#11736 File permissions not shown after creating a directory new create directory file permissions Bug report normal
#11808 Allow key file reference to not exist new keyfile key file storage Bug report normal
#11819 Make subdirectory selected after switched to parent directory new selection file directory Bug report normal
#11824 thousands separator not displayed in macOS new thousands separator Bug report normal
#11836 directory tree pane is undesirably resized after restart for 1st tabbed connection new directory tree, resize Bug report normal
#11841 Incomplete Remote Directory Listing new incomplete missing remote directory Bug report normal
#11842 Could not connect to server new could not connect to server Bug report normal
#11918 Auto-focus for PW dialog with sftp accounts new auto-focus, ssh, passphrase Feature request normal
#12035 Move clear options from quickconnect button menu to EDIT menu new quickconnect, clear quickconnect bar,clear history Feature request normal
#12049 Multiple windows desired new directory handling Feature request normal
#12104 Can't log in to my server using FZ new Failed to retrieve directory listing Bug report normal
#12156 Option to override default local directory new LocalDirectory SiteManager Location Folder Local Directory Override Feature request normal
#12171 Opens two edit windows in Komodo IDE12 new editor Bug report normal
#12185 Add a function to disable auto-download installer of new version new autoupdate Feature request normal
#12292 Local site tree randomly collapsing new local_directory_tree Bug report normal
#12334 Custom proxy configuration per site entry new Proxy Custom Feature request normal
#12352 Compared directory selection count wrong when selected with Shift-Ctrl-A new directory comparison Bug report normal
#12437 Error updating local directory using an external drive new local directory , updating, Bug report normal
#12454 Directory listing from server doesn't recognize deleted server files new directory listing not actual Bug report normal
#12518 Downloads don't stop or terminate properly new downloads don't stop Bug report normal
#12520 Default editor does not appear to be used new editor app Bug report normal
#12585 Auto transfer Type choose for UTF16 text file new Auto Transfer for UTF16 Bug report normal
#12671 allow "download to" dialogue to remember settings new download to, settings, remember, search, F3, remote directory, flatten path structure, queueing Feature request normal
#12694 Setup always installs to default directory in silent mode new silent install target directory Bug report normal
#12712 Unable to connect to remote site, folder appears empty new empty remote site directory Bug report normal
#12744 Local file change monitoring only detects after file close on Windows 11 new local file change monitoring windows 11 Bug report normal
#12805 Folders / Directories new Folder, download, folder download, filters, directories Feature request normal
#12931 All folders time out after NewTek WebHosting moved servers. moreinfo timed out,directory Bug report normal
#12967 Storj file size is zero and cannot be downloaded new storj Bug report normal
#12977 Insecure server, it does not support FTP over TLS. new Aborts transfer to my Website. Bug report normal
#13058 Silent install parameters for settings customizations - FileZilla Server new Customization Handling Other normal
#13179 Synchronizaton turns off when using "Restore Tabs and connect" new synchronized browsing, restore tabs and connect Bug report normal
#13181 File transfer failed halfway while uploading process new The FTP protocol is insecure. Switch from FTP to TLS protocol / File transfer failed Bug report normal
#13191 Site manager drop down. new Multi-Monitor Bug report normal
#4599 Auto-Complete Remote Site Path new auto, complete, auto-complete, fill, Feature request low
#5456 Total of transferred files should change when you change transfer tabs new total size of transferred files Feature request low
#7954 Default Remote Directory sometimes fails if Default local directory is not found new default directory Bug report low
#8418 "Transfer Queue Process" toggle button doesn't retain visual state on theme change new toggle queue button Bug report low
#11261 default screen selection after use on Dual screen system new desktop area Other low
#11286 Second monitor window isn't focused back to first monitor if disconnected new monitor,display,second,window,out,of,reach Bug report low
#11354 Tooltips in file transfer queue panel shows outdated information new tooltip, download, queue, wrong information Bug report low
#11664 Rename file refused in server but accept in client new Rename Directory Bug report low
#12511 Directory Comparison - add ability to change colors? new Directory Comparison, Color Feature request low
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Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.