Custom Query (47 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Owner Priority Resolution Created Modified
#8612 Iconia pc tablet dengan windows 8 mr. hans high fixed 12 years 12 years
#1443 standard anonymous password Tim Kosse normal 23 years 19 years
#1444 Custom PASV settings for the server Tim Kosse normal 23 years 11 years
#1445 Simplified Chinese Translation Tim Kosse normal 22 years 21 years
#1446 FileZilla Server: show drives at rootlevel Tim Kosse normal 22 years 20 years
#1447 Fixes for the German resource file normal 21 years 21 years
#1448 Fix _UNICODE compilation of current cvs (& 2.2.1b) normal 21 years 21 years
#1449 Longer Welcome Message, Welcome Message Hidden Tim Kosse normal 20 years 20 years
#1450 Decrease the size of instaler normal 20 years 20 years
#1451 allow passive mode range to be one port only normal 20 years 20 years
#1452 filezilla server solution uses absolute paths normal 20 years 20 years
#1453 filezilla server with windows xp styles (using manifest) normal 20 years 20 years
#1454 filezilla server memory/speed optimization normal 20 years 20 years
#1455 (fsi) connected users details normal 20 years 20 years
#1456 (fs) aliases not working normal 20 years 20 years
#1457 (fzs+fzsi) gui enhancement Tim Kosse normal 20 years 20 years
#1458 FZS: Make the installer use previous directory normal 20 years 20 years
#1459 Fix for multihomed servers w/active FTP normal 20 years 20 years
#1460 Fix for certain FTP clients sending PORT commands normal 20 years 20 years
#1461 Patch for local folder auto-refresh normal 20 years 20 years
#1462 fixed some sftp buffer overflow in unicode mode normal 20 years 20 years
#1463 let FzSFtp.exe work in unicode build normal 20 years 20 years
#1464 add an option to force to use UTF-8 for remote site normal 20 years 20 years
#1465 show unicode string in status window (CRichEditCtrl) normal 20 years 20 years
#1466 force UTF8 won't reload while use reconnect normal 20 years 20 years
#1467 Allow use force UTF8 option for sftp mode normal 20 years 17 years
#1468 Splitter position not save correct normal 20 years 20 years
#1469 Fix VS.NET 2003 compilation warnings (cvs) normal 20 years 19 years
#1470 [ 1106937 ] Typo in uninstall dialog normal 20 years 19 years
#1471 [ 1167290 ] HELP FILE typo alert normal 20 years 19 years
#1472 Spelling error in German version normal 19 years 19 years
#1473 Improve commandline hints normal 19 years 19 years
#1474 Optimization for type parsing normal 19 years 19 years
#1475 New cmdline args so it doesn't hang normal 19 years 19 years
#1476 corected typos normal 19 years 19 years
#1477 corected typos 2 normal 19 years 19 years
#1478 typofix normal 19 years 19 years
#1479 FileZilla server CWD can't change drive normal 19 years 11 years
#1480 Specify default anonymous password normal 19 years 11 years
#1484 Turkish Language File normal 19 years 19 years
#1488 Fixes Wrong Date Bug normal 19 years 19 years
#1494 Patchs for adding Desktop folders... normal 18 years 18 years
#1496 full-row-select in listview normal 18 years 18 years
#1510 Updated Nepali Translation normal 18 years 18 years
#1512 IDR_MAINFRAME accelerator remove. normal 18 years 18 years
#1513 "Users" table in "Users" window, version 1 normal 18 years 18 years
#1795 Secure mode for FTP proxy password low fixed 21 years 9 years
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