Custom Query (8209 matches)


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Results (8201 - 8209 of 8209)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Resolution
#12908 Unicode characters in filenames (server side) not shown properly Bug report low FileZilla Client worksforme
#12962 'Check for FileZilla updates Automatically' option is not being respected by program. Bug report low FileZilla Client rejected
#12964 Crash when removing filetypes from list. Bug report low FileZilla Client fixed
#12966 Settings checkbox for "Display momentary transfer speed..." indicates opposite of its value. Bug report low FileZilla Client worksforme
#12973 local tree Bug report low FileZilla Client worksforme
#13002 Icon in system tray stay after program closed Bug report low FileZilla Client wontfix
#13101 Syntax error on renaming file Patch low FileZilla Client fixed
#13139 70kb uploads, how? Bug report low FileZilla Client worksforme
#13203 Cannot connect to iDrive e2 Bug report low FileZilla Client worksforme
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.