Custom Query (24 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Keywords Owner Type Priority
#8139 Citrix Client drives not visible in FileZilla new citrix,xenapp,filezilla,clientdrives Bug report high
#11770 Cannot open subdirectories in directory tree after updating reopened Can't open folders, cannot right click to select Open Bug report high
#13138 Downloads are skipped intermittently new FTP client; Download Bug report high
#4293 doubleclick action: open new doubleclick open Feature request normal
#5432 Simultaneous connections error new Simultaneous connections maximum number of clients Bug report normal
#7161 Saving transferece queue in csv/txt format new file queue save txt csv clipboard Feature request normal
#7304 Option to allow automatic updates new update automatic client Feature request normal
#7761 Save highlighted list of files into the system clipboard new system clipboard Feature request normal
#7894 Ability to dowload list of URLs new client download list URLs files Feature request normal
#8222 Add option to always display filesize in KB to match Windows style new Filesize, Windows 8, Explorer, KB, Filezilla Client Feature request normal
#8310 PAPERCUT: The tooltip says that right clicking on "directory listing filter" icon should toggle the filters On/Off, but it only shows the filter configuration panel. new GUI, right click, interaction, filters, papercut Bug report normal
#8500 rename a local folder while downloading other folders new rename, client, folder, download Bug report normal
#9611 Double click in local window problems new file-association, open, double-click Feature request normal
#10798 Description within installer executable and FileZilla executable new installer, client, ftp, description, least privilege Feature request normal
#10887 -v on command line does not display version information new CLI Bug report normal
#10888 Command line help screen not localized new CLI, Translation Bug report normal
#11069 Copy URL to clipboard is not working correctly new Copy URL to clipboard Bug report normal
#11191 Fix double clicking on filename (to agree with convention) new double click, user interface Feature request normal
#11235 Filezilla blocks when renaming remote file by not pressing enter key accepted renaming blocks enter click Tim Kosse Bug report normal
#11474 Old password used when sending files new old password, password change, right-click upload, select and upload, in-memory password, outdated password Bug report normal
#11607 double-click to download from search window new search, double-click, directory tree Feature request normal
#12331 Configure double-click to have different behavior for local vs. remote new double-click, double click, configuration Feature request normal
#12892 Shift-click selection working incorrectly in OSX version of Client new OSX shift-click Bug report normal
#7257 Some functionnalities are not accessible without right click new right click Feature request low
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