Opened 13 years ago

#8222 new Feature request

Add option to always display filesize in KB to match Windows style

Reported by: w1zard Owned by:
Priority: normal Component: FileZilla Client
Keywords: Filesize, Windows 8, Explorer, KB, Filezilla Client Cc:
Component version: Operating system type: Windows
Operating system version: Windows 8 x64 RTM


It seems that Windows 8 always uses KB to show a filesize within Explorer. I'm not sure when this change happened, but it appears consistent in Windows 8 - from files that are just 1 KB to files that are 6 GB, the size is always shown in KB (see attached screenshot).

In order that files can easily be compared between remote versions in Filezilla, and local versions in an Explorer window, an option to *always* use KB when showing filesizes would be useful. Hopefully this isn't too laborious to implement :)

Thank you!

Attachments (1)

filesizes-windows8.JPG (36.7 KB ) - added by w1zard 13 years ago.
Screenshot showing range of files with different sizes, all shown with sizes in KB

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (1)

by w1zard, 13 years ago

Attachment: filesizes-windows8.JPG added

Screenshot showing range of files with different sizes, all shown with sizes in KB

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