Custom Query (26 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Cc Owner Type Priority
#1601 Download graph speed/file/que new Tim Kosse, tinker8, bouzdreaux, the-fr3ak@… Feature request low
#1945 repeat-last-transfer Hotkey (also on off-focus or so) new test123 Feature request low
#803 Hardcoded colour issues with dark themes accepted not2advanced, Alexander Schuch, user2037, Tawach Tawach Bug report normal
#2389 Shortcut to hide new gansta93, Alexander Schuch Feature request normal
#2461 Support calculating and reporting a file's hash or checksum new sahagesi, equis7, c0d3h4x0r, larsen255@… Feature request normal
#2497 [Repeat] button - repeat the last transfer new mclark23 Feature request normal
#2661 ldap connection of sitemanager new georgi1313 Feature request normal
#2697 Implement automatic file integrity verification (XCRC ) reopened c0d3h4x0r, Tim Kosse, igitur@… Feature request normal
#2895 Allow specifying speed limits on a per-site basis new rob263 Feature request normal
#4791 FileZilla can't handle long path names new i3v@… Bug report normal
#5288 Image files with a "." (dot) prefix are transferred as ASCII reopened simon@…, jamie@… Bug report normal
#6193 Allow long path names reopened i3v@… Bug report normal
#7777 filezilla.xml Corrupt new akbar6393222@… Other normal
#7916 Feature request: filter/search addresses new eastafrica23@… Feature request normal
#8398 UNC path error new i3v@… Bug report normal
#8587 Race condition in upload: Collisions with previously failed transfers (?) new expires-06-2013@… Bug report normal
#9073 Context menu in Edited Dialog (Ctrl+E) new snaked3@… хз Feature request normal
#9570 Apply to current queue - apply to current operation new Igor Feature request normal
#11018 Add site name in password entering dialog window title new alex3kov@… Feature request normal
#11876 Down error new 3 Bug report normal
#12043 error: gestor de onedrive el cuadro de authentication se queda en blanco new contabilidad023@… Bug report normal
#12207 can not be connect on macOS new 030720 Bug report normal
#12496 3.55.0 Win 32-bit - Server refused public-key signature new biggsy2031 Bug report normal
#7437 Preserve timestamps of uploaded files are not preserved new output123@…, kerrykurtz@… Bug report high
#11900 FTP not Work error is Connection Timed Out new Deepak saini Bug report high
#12589 Connection server issues new Olivia Ponce Other critical
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