Custom Query (4044 matches)


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Ticket Summary Owner Priority Resolution Created Modified
#524 date parsing on LIST command low rejected 20 years 10 years

When the LIST command is responded to by an FTP server (as the result of getting the list of files in a directory), certian date formats are not parsed correctly:


-rw-rw-rw- 1 noone nogroup 142 jun 01 1999


is parsed correctly, but

-rw-rw-rw- 1 noone nogroup 142 01-jun-99 abort.txt

is not parsed correctly.

The end result is the file name is listed in the GUI as:

"-rw-rw-rw- 1 noone nogroup 142 01-jun-99


which make file tranfer impossible.

#976 Usability: Remote / Local paths + wrong slashes low 19 years 17 years

Detail: It's 3am, you're tired. You use the edit control to alter your current location on the Remote site, but accidentally use a \ where you should have used a /. Luckily, Filezilla knows what you mean and converts it to the right slash.

When you begin to rely on that behaviour, it's extremely frustrating to attempt to do the same in the Local site control. You enter "c:/foo/bar/" and get an annoying warning.

Severity: Minor annoyance

Explanation: User relies on one behaviour which is inconsistent in other areas, causing frustration.


  • Path box automagically swaps slashes
  • Path boxes (everywhere) are like a browser's location

bar, and facilitate something like tab-completion - not just for past entries into the box, either.

#1010 Minor display problem Alexander Schuch low 18 years 18 years

When transfers reach about 40MB/s, speed display erronous value as -3billion and some dusts...

#1073 Status window not utf-8 compatible low 18 years 18 years

When using i.e. Filezilla Server 0.9.16c beta The Filezilla Client 2.2.22 does not decode utf-8 chars

in welcome messages.

Welcome Message/Server entry: # Verknüpfungen

Client displayed: [12:50:10] Antwort: 220-# Verknüpfungen

#1290 Client wont minimize on Windows Key + M low 17 years 17 years

Regardless whether or not Filezilla is the application in focus or not, the windows shortcut Windows Key (Which in its self is Ctrl + Esc) + the M key minimizes all windows except Filezilla. It seems the filezilla just seems to be switching itself to no longer being in focus rather than minimizing.

Version 3.0.0 Bug seen on windows XP Pro SP2, and Vista Home Premium Edition, other windows verions not tested.

Cannot recall seeing this bug < 3.0.0

#1310 security issue Filezilla Client 3.0.1 low 17 years 17 years

Hi, the file

X:\Documents and Settings\USER\Application Data\FileZilla\sitemanager.xml

contains the password without encrypt.

Windows version

#1318 Queue inverse file sort order Alexander Schuch low 17 years 10 years

Bug is exists in Filezilla version -

If you put into queue whole directory from FTP server then files are added in inverse filename order. For example: Server directory My_dir have files like: My_name01.xx My_name02.xx My_name03.xx ... My_name12.xx

And if you put whole directory to queue (not by select all files and put to queue, but goto parent directory and insert into queue directory My_dir) then files in queue are in order: My_dir\My_name12.xx My_dir\My_name11.xx ... My_dir\My_name02.xx My_dir\My_name01.xx

This is minor bug only but I prefer to have files in filename ascending order.

Or the best solution - user sorting type from Remote list window. Or make sorting type in this case configurable (by name, time of creation, modification etc.) in Filezilla configuration.

#1351 Can't work with STRATUS systems low 16 years 16 years


I tried to transfer files from STRATUS systems under VOS release and I get a "550 LIST: ftp internal error s$expand_path:" error.

-Source : PC Windows XP SP2

-Target : STRATUS Continuum systems VOS release 13.3.4h

For your information, under STRATUS systems the ">" character is the same as "/" under UNIS/LINUX systems. Could you please have a look to work with this kind of fault tolerant systems?

(See file attached)

TIA, Jorge

#3032 Problems with leading or terminating spaces low fixed 18 years 10 years

Like the prev. bug, but also FZ ignores starting spaces and puts the files in queue without them. Then - critical error.

#3341 Duplicate local filename listing Tim Kosse low 16 years 16 years

OS: Windows XP Pro SP2 FZ client:

It is possible to get the interface to show duplicate drive letters in the "Local site" directory listing (not the tree view, in the actual file list).

  • Open FZ client
  • Select "My Computer" from the Local directory tree so the listing shows the drives in the computer
  • Click the "Filter the directory listings" button
  • Click "Cancel" on the "Directory Listing Filters" window

There should now be a duplicate drive letter shown in the directory listing for the local machine. On my machine this is reproducible 100% of the time. There is no log information to post for this.

Additionally, minimizing FZ and maximizing again will sometimes cause a different drive letter to show up duplicated.

Thanks for the great work on FZ!

#3421 Huge password security issue low 16 years 16 years

I'm using FileZilla v3.0.7.1 from PortableApps and I don't know if this is a bug or just a cofiguration issue but it's worth mentioning it.

The SiteManager looks as the sites were safe, but they aren't. FileZilla saves the site from SiteManager in a configuration file called sitemanager.xml (a plain text file containgin some xml formatted data).

(In previous versions the sites where contained inside the settings.xml) In FileZilla v2.x the passwords for the sites where encrypted with some sort of algorithm, but as I checked the sitemanager.xml file I discovered that the passwords are saved in plain text. Well this is a very huge security issue as gaining access to the xml will reveal the passwords of the server.

Is this how FileZilla works? Are there future plans to secure the sites stored in the sitemanager.xml file?

#3502 Parent folder icons do not refresh after deleting children. low 16 years 16 years

This is purely cosmetic.

In Site Manager, Parent folder icons do not refresh to 'empty' after deleting all child folders, unless the site manager is closed and re-opened.

#3511 can't handle long file names low rejected 16 years 10 years

When dragging files with long file names (or folders containing them) in 3.0.10 from a ProFTPD host to a Vista client, they are added to the cue, but not copied. (No error note is shown.) It's a problem solely in FileZilla, Vista itself can handle those file names without problems. So the workaround is, if one knows about this bug: rename the files to shorter file names, copy them, rename them back. Outside of FileZilla, because it cannot even rename them back on the Vista client.

#3546 small port entry problem low 16 years 16 years

FileZilla 3.0.11 When trying to use 80 port, FZ displays a messagebox. After that, this messagebox appears always when connecting (even if the port isn't 80).

#3695 Wrong symbol on remotely moving files/folders low 16 years 16 years


when I move content on a ftp-server from one directory to another with drag&drop I get a "+" symbol on the mouse cursor.

As the content is actually moved and not copied this "+" should not be there.


#3719 FileZilla craches when the PRT input is hidden low duplicate 16 years 16 years

In the quickconnectbar.xrc file:

  • if the IP element is hidden (ID_QUICKCONNECT_HOST), there is no problem. The default IP or the IP specified in command line is well used.
  • if the Port element is hidden (ID_QUICKCONNECT_PORT), the application craches! I need to hide the 2 elements and I don't understand why we don't have the same behavior. Is it possible to fix this problem please?

Thank you for your support.

#3731 Error: Failed to retrieve directory listing low invalid 16 years 16 years

I just upgraded to FileZilla Client 3.1.2 and immediately received the error mentioned in my Subject Line. The result was that I could not open the Directory listed on my server's window (there was no + next to it). Furthermore, if I clicked on the - on the parent directory, it closed the sub-directory (as it should), but would not put a + on that one, so I could not navigate back down. My server is fine, as I could access it through an older version of FileZilla that I have on my laptop. I tried to reboot, and also to reinstall, and nothing worked. Please advise ASAP, as I need to use FileZilla on this machine. I have never experienced this problem, and all that I did was upgrade to 3.1.2.

#3737 Connect problem!! low outdated 16 years 12 years

1.ftp server change port to 3000,but not use default port(21). 2.FileZilla connect to ftp server with port 3000.It has no problem 3.but (after FileZilla connected server),when FileZilla connect to server has problem,FileZilla will connect to server with port 21 but no 3000 again and again.So FileZilla can't connect server.

#3745 Desktop icon gone on update low rejected 16 years 16 years

When updating file zilla from an earlier version to FileZilla_3.1.2 the desktop icon disapears. Restart the installer and make sure the Desktop Icon component is selected.

#3755 3.1.2 Overwrites file after finishing it low invalid 16 years 16 years

After finishing writing a file to the server Filezilla 3.1.2 then automatically overwrites the file it has just written and starts again!!!

#3758 Filezilla quits unexpectedly low outdated 16 years 10 years

Filezilla [3.1.2] Client quits unexpectedly on MACOS Leopard [10.5.4], while upload to FTP server is in progress, when there is no free space on the FTP server during upload.

#3783 Site Manager dialog button has bad label ("Discard") low fixed 16 years 16 years

The site manager has a button labeled "Discard" for what might usually be labeled "Cancel." The different wording is not necessary, and can create confusion. For example (being the idiot that I am?), I first assumed that the "Discard" button would... discard the information on the current screen. That is, I thought the information would be deleted instead of the changes (if applicable) canceled.

#3791 Open option on local right-click doesn't work properly. low rejected 16 years 16 years

Using FZ 3.1.2.

On the local side, when right-clicking a file and choosing open, the associated executable opens, but the filename isn't passed to it, or is passed incorrectly.

Example: I right-click a PHP file which should open in Dreamweaver. DW opens, but acts as if a new file is being opened. Does not appear as if a filename was passed to it.

#3796 FileZilla tries to read floppy drive on startup low rejected 16 years 10 years

This is more an annoyance than a bug, but I'd imagine it would affect anyone who has a floppy drive installed on their PC.

It seems that all versions >= 3.0 try to read my floppy drive on startup. The application does not respond until the drive light goes off. This obviously makes the application slow to load, every time.

#3814 Could not parse server addresss low outdated 16 years 12 years

Latest version of downloaded today, ie 3.1.3.

When I tried to log into my server, for the first time it required a Port number. When I put in Port 21 (which is the correct port), I get the error message:

Could not parse server address: Invalid port given. The port has to be a value from 1 to 65535.

I've just spent around 4 hours working on updating my web site, the fact that I now cannot upload it to the server does not best please me.

#3822 Time outs on (offline) local folders low rejected 16 years 15 years

Explorer shows my R:\ "drive" and subdirs without delay, even though some dirs point to offline resources. Selecting such a dir however makes Win XP Pro hang for about half a minute. So I make sure I stay clear of those.

However, When FileZilla's shows R:\ (on startup) it freezes the system right away. The dirs are probably queried in a way that needs them to be opened.

Can querying the local folder be done without opening the subfolders?

I realize that having the offline dirs removed would solve my problem - but I'm not authorized.

I also realize that ticket 3003 (feature req. prio: low) would solve the problem. But asynchronous folder display is very hard indeed. It was the one promise that made me try Vista. No luck, even the MS wizs can't do it, apparently.

#3831 ASCII File Types setting not kept when upgrading low rejected 16 years 16 years

Hello, At each new version upgrade, I choose "upgrade using existing settings". For most settings, it works fine, but each time the ASCII file types list is reset to the default value. I wish to only transfer dotfiles as ASCII, so at each new version I must remove the entire list of ASCII extensions. Thanks ! Ben

#3833 failed to start after installing low invalid 16 years 16 years

I ran FileZilla_3.1.3.1_win32-setup(2).exe After that I try to start but get: "This application has failed to start because mingwm0.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem"

I tried reinstalling but htis did not help. to continue my work asap: where can I get the old working install?

#3854 filezilla crashes when delayed low outdated 16 years 12 years

when i have uploading my files to my free hosting to byethost..

then few sec later it crashes when it delays with incorrect i.p address on windows vista...

i have put in the correct info to open my free host ftp and it still crashes when it delays for a few secs...

Response: 421 Too many connections (2) from this IP Error: Could not connect to server Status: Delaying connection due to previously failed connection attempt...

#3864 "Wrong" filename in download window low fixed 16 years 16 years

See png! Bye.

#3877 Transfer graphic bar problems low outdated 16 years 12 years

When you scroll with the mouse in the "Queued Files" transfer window, the graphic bar (green percentage thing) doesn't scroll properly, and it sort of screws things up.

I'm on filezilla 3.1.2 (using the ubuntu package from the repository).

#3879 Unable to list contents of hidden folders low rejected 16 years 16 years

I log into open account and then CWD to the hidden folder by entering a custom command. I then try to list the files in the folder using the LIST custom command and receive the error: 425 Can't open data connection. The log follows:

............ Command: USER ThisIsUN Response: 331 Password required for ThisIsUN. Command: PASS Response: 230-Welcome Response: 230 User ThisIsUN logged in. Command: SYST Response: 215 Windows_NT Command: FEAT Response: 211-FEAT Response: SIZE Response: MDTM Response: 211 END Status: Connected Status: Retrieving directory listing... Command: PWD Response: 257 "/ThisIsUN" is current directory. Command: TYPE I Response: 200 Type set to I. Command: PASV Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (<removed by user for bug report submission>). Command: LIST Response: 125 Data connection already open; Transfer starting. Response: 226 Transfer complete. Command: PASV Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (<removed by user for bug report submission>). Command: LIST -a Response: 125 Data connection already open; Transfer starting. Response: 226 Transfer complete. Status: Directory listing successful Command: CWD HiddenDir Response: 250 CWD command successful. Command: PWD Response: 257 "/ThisIsUN/HiddenDir" is current directory. Command: LIST -a Response: 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for /bin/ls. Response: 425 Can't open data connection.

I use Windows XP Professional and FileZilla (Build 29-Sep-2008)

#3884 Filezilla Client error while uploading files low fixed 16 years 16 years

I'm using Filezilla Client (barely updated) on OS X Leopard (updated). I'having the following error: if I try to upload a file from a local folder to the remote folder and I drag from the local folder of filezilla to the remote folder of filezilla it takes a lot of time to release the file in the new folder and start the download. I didn't have this error before with the previous version. Drag & drop ( I mean inside Filezilla ) it's not working works actually but I have to double click somewhere in the remote folder to drop the file and start the tranfert...that's weird!! I hope my english wasn't that bad, I'm italian. If you need more info about that please contact me here: luca@… I'm a web developer and I would like to help as much as I can...

#3894 "Upload and unedit" does not remove edited file from dialog immediately low duplicate 16 years 16 years

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Right-click a file, and click "View / Edit".
  2. Open the menu File -> Show files currently being edited...
  3. Click on the file we had selected for editing before, and click "Upload and unedit".

Note that the file remains in the status "Uploading..." and is never removed from the list. If I close the dialog and attempt to re-open it, FileZilla tells me there are no files to edit.

It should instead remove the file from the list, and, if I shouldn't have the dialog open when there are no more files to edit, it should pop the same alert as when I tried to open the dialog when no files were being edited.

I set this to low priority because FileZilla does not crash, and it's hard, if not impossible, to actually crash it through this bug. I also set it to Windows, but it may apply to other operating systems as well.

#3903 error listing remote directory low duplicate 16 years 16 years

FZ fails to list the remote directory. FZ version is v3.1.4.1, server: ServU v6.1 on WinXP SP3. See attached log, plus a log of another ftp client that works.

#3904 error listing remote directory low outdated 16 years 12 years

FZ fails to list the remote directory. FZ version is v3.1.4.1, server: ServU v6.1 on WinXP SP3. See attached log, plus a log of another ftp client that works. (The error is probably cased by the ASCII listing mode - I'm no programmer, I just compared the logs)

#3920 Does not list folder again when already done low rejected 16 years 16 years


I'm using filezilla, and there's something I'd like to see be corrected.

Indeed, when I'm connected to a FTP, and enter a folder, at the 1st time, the folder is listed (LIST), but when I already visited this folder, and go back into this one, the file list is no longer listed, whereas the content has changed !

I take a look into options but found no solutions !

#3921 Connection Problem low outdated 16 years 12 years

I used latest version of Filezilla client, but i have found one problem in my one website where login connection is established but stop in file directory listing and shows error like "Failed to retrieve directory listing". I tried to passive mode, and also tried to set 21 port. but could not success. But when i tried to connect with another software ws_ftp_pro, i could connect. Why i can not connect with filezilla ?

#3930 Crash: Menu => Edit => Clear private data... low fixed 16 years 16 years

System: Intel P4, Windows XP SP3

FileZilla Client: Version: 3.1.5 Compiled for: i586-pc-mingw32msvc Build date: 2008-10-22

Issue: FileZilla crashes when using "Clear private data..." function.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Install FileZilla client 3.1.5 (fresh install)
  2. Run FileZilla client
  3. Go to menu Edit => "Clear private data..."
  4. Click OK button
  5. If no debugger is running, FileZilla quits immediately

Note: Bug has been noticed in version, but previous versions of FileZilla client might be affected as well.

#3933 files with an underscore before file name causes filezilla to not be able to work with it low duplicate 16 years 12 years

I have many files on my ftp server that filezilla can "see" but when I want to either erase them, back them up, or rename them, I get the error message that the files do not exist. (550 Sorry, but that file doesn't exist) When I first try to highlight the file, the space does not show up at all. I only realized there was a space before the file name when I used the program ws_ftp professional. When I renamed the file by taking out the space, it worked on ws_ftp professional and I was able to then access the file with filezilla.

#3956 Upgrade to Client 3.1.5 can't list directory of FZ server low outdated 16 years 12 years

FZ Server 0.9.27 beta Error message: 425 Can't open data connection

This is occuring only with users who upgrade to 3.1.5 client.

Before upgrading they were using without any problems.

Users are using "Servertype FTPS - FTP over implicit TSL/SSL" connections.

#3960 Autoupdate always fails low outdated 16 years 16 years

I receive new version notifications without problem.

The download fails when Filezilla tries to connect to sourceforge servers. The CPU usage increase up to 99% and filezilla freeze. I need to close it with CTRL+ALT+DEL and kill the process.

I tried several times during the day. Always the same freeze.

#3990 Machine get out of network while uloading/downloading connect through rdp low rejected 16 years 16 years

I have a dedicated machine to upload and download . I used to connect it through remote desktop win xp inbuilt feature.

Machine get out of network for few seconds when we start uploading/downloding

it continue to hapenn again and again. and we cannot upload and download.

#4006 ComCast refusal to list files! low rejected 16 years 16 years

I can login to ComCast but it flatly refuses to "LIST" the files. Maybe an active/passive issue. FZ I had the same problem with WS_FTP_LE, NotePad++, FireFox FTP work fine. This only is a problem FTPing to/from ComCast. This is a FZ issue, other FTP clients work fine. I can use FZ to contact GoDaddy and 1and1 with no problem.

Status: Resolving address of Status: Connecting to Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message... Response: 220 FTP server (Version 5.339PWS/AI) ready. Command: USER jraff Response: 331 Password required for jraff. Command: PASS * Response: 230 User jraff logged in. Status: Connected Status: Retrieving directory listing... Command: PWD Response: 257 "/" is current directory. Command: TYPE I Response: 200 Type set to I. Command: PASV Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (216,87,188,9,168,5) Command: LIST Response: 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for /bin/ls. Response: 426 Data connection: No child processes. Error: Failed to retrieve directory listing

#4011 Won't complete connection to client ftp site low rejected 16 years 16 years

All the info to connect to site is verifiably correct, hoever the site kicks back the following (highlighted in bold):

Response: 220 FTP server ready Command: USER Benning Response: 331 Password required for Benning. Command: PASS Response: 530 Login incorrect. Error: Could not connect to server

#4015 Error lading xml file ? low rejected 16 years 16 years

Could not load c:/users/me/appdata/roaming/filezilla/filezilla.xml, make sure the file is valid, fot this session default settings will be used and any cahnges to the settings are not persistent

annoying...had it happen on my previous install as well.

#4057 Unable to see networked drives since upgrading to 3.1.6 low rejected 15 years 15 years

I rely on being able to see the network drive through FileZilla and have had no problems whilst using 3.1.3 I have had to downgrade back to this version. A few of my colleagues who use the same ftp as myself have also reported this same issue.

#4058 Dowload stops at end of file low rejected 15 years 10 years

The download of files from each size stops at 100%. newest filezilla version installed. i can reproduce it when i download several files. the filesize is random so there is no difference between 100MB or 1GB files. starting and stopping the downloads wont fix it. i need to stop the download, restart filezilla and restart the download. then it will run again. there is no difference if i run filezilla in admin mode or as invoker. nothing to see from the log. at the server side there is a FTP Publishing Service 6.0 running on windows 2k3 server. if you need some additional infos contact me at reli(a)

#4096 Filezilla Client Produces ECONNABORTED with TLS/SSL low rejected 15 years 15 years


FileZilla Client 3.1.6 in MacOS X 10.5.4 has exactly the same problem here. See Log of filezilla below.

NOTE: same behaviour as Bugreport #4021

Note: OS X set to no firewalls - no security software Mac connected through router to internet router has hardware-firewall, but no port-adress-translation or filters operating.

HINT: Macbay Host tested with Filezilla and had no problems. Filezilla will connect without TLS/SSL Cyberduck and Captain FTP connect without problems Status: Filezilla currently not usable


Status: Auflösen der IP-Adresse für Status: Verbinde mit Status: Verbindung hergestellt, warte auf Willkommensnachricht... Antwort: 220 FTP server ready Befehl: AUTH TLS Antwort: 234 AUTH TLS successful Status: Initialisiere TLS... Status: Überprüfe Zertifikat... Befehl: USER PL12813 Status: TLS/SSL-Verbindung hergestellt. Antwort: 331 Password required for PL12813 Befehl: PASS Antwort: 230 User PL12813 logged in Befehl: SYST Antwort: 215 UNIX Type: L8 Befehl: FEAT Antwort: 211-Features: Antwort: LANG en Antwort: MDTM Antwort: UTF8 Antwort: AUTH TLS Antwort: PBSZ Antwort: PROT Antwort: REST STREAM Antwort: SIZE Antwort: 211 End Befehl: OPTS UTF8 ON Antwort: 501 OPTS: UTF8 not understood Befehl: PBSZ 0 Antwort: 200 PBSZ 0 successful Befehl: PROT P Antwort: 200 Protection set to Private Status: Verbunden Status: Empfange Verzeichnisinhalt... Befehl: PWD Antwort: 257 "/" is the current directory Befehl: TYPE I Antwort: 200 Type set to I Befehl: PASV Antwort: 227 Entering Passive Mode (193,164,134,194,237,83). Befehl: LIST Antwort: 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for file list Status: Server hat die TLS-Verbindung nicht ordnungsgemäß geschlossen Fehler: Could not read from transfer socket: ECONNABORTED - Connection aborted Antwort: 226 Transfer complete Fehler: Verzeichnisinhalt konnte nicht empfangen werden Antwort: 421 Idle timeout (250 seconds): closing control connection Status: Server hat die TLS-Verbindung nicht ordnungsgemäß geschlossen Fehler: Konnte vom Socket nicht lesen: ECONNABORTED - Connection aborted Fehler: Verbindung zum Server getrennt

#4114 Error connecting to several servers low outdated 15 years 10 years

I get this error while connecting to several (not all) servers in Dutch:

Fout: Kan niet lezen van socket: ECONNRESET - Connection reset by peer Fout: Verbinding verbroken met server Fout: Ontvangen van mappenlijst is mislukt


Error: Can't read from socket: ECONNRESET - Connection reset by peer Error: Connection with server disconnected Error: List receive fail

Client version: 3.1.6

#4129 Typo in error message "reveive" low fixed 15 years 15 years

Status: Listing directory /backup/Pictures Status: Directory listing successful Status: Disconnected from server Status: Retrieving directory listing... Command: cd "Lottery" Error: did not receive a valid SFTP packet: sftp_recvdata failed, could not reveive packet length Error: Failed to retrieve directory listing

Should be receive.

The connection sat idle for a while and then was Disconnected from server. I tried to change directories and this misspelled error was printed.

#4154 User error: Invalid or inacessible sitemanager.xml low rejected 15 years 15 years

Started filezilla, it said there is an update --> I updated as i ALWAYS do.( first install/upgrade option ) Started filezilla --> first error when clicking sitemanager: cannot open sitemanager.xml .... no changes will be ...

Then tried to import my filezilla.xml --> same error but then it says: import done , after restart ... I restart but that did not made any difference.

Think for more than one & 1/2 year it was running fine , update after update but now looks like I will have to insert all sites again becuase right now I cannot even ADD any site for it keeps returning the first error: cannot open ...

I run XP PRO XP3.

#4161 unhandled response 530 low rejected 15 years 15 years

it should just wait, instead it fails and says password error

you can test it on my hosting account:

ftp: user: site1test password: test12341234

Command: PASV Response: 220 FTP Server # 1 Command: USER site1 Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (77,232,67,104,245,60). Command: STOR Console_TestListener.php Response: 331 Password required for site1 Command: PASS Response: 530 Sorry, the maximum number of clients (5) from your host are already connected. Error: Could not connect to server Status: Resolving address of Status: Connecting to Response: 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for Console_TestListener.php Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message... Response: 220 FTP Server # 1 Command: USER site1 Response: 226 Transfer complete Status: File transfer successful Response: 331 Password required for site1

#4163 Transfer queue refresh low outdated 15 years 12 years

Hello, I've been using FileZilla for a long time now, and I love it and recommend it to all of my friends, so first off, great job! I appreciate the work you've put into FileZilla!

Just a little thing here - when I download several large files at once, typically, the file queue fills up to the point that I have to scroll, and I want to keep tabs on the progress of the files being downloaded, so I grab the resize bar dividing it from the upper 3/4 of the program, and drag it up so more queued files can be seen, but the progress bars all disappear, and I can't see the progress of any of the files any more. I can get it back, I believe by starting a new series of downloads, but with big files, I like to know how long they'll take to download.

Thanks! Paul Duquesnoy

#4164 No View of Remote or Local Files low worksforme 15 years 15 years

I can't see my remote or local files since I updated to version 3.20.

Thanks, Rebecca Beasley

#4178 columns guide line low outdated 15 years 12 years

when making the columns bigger the temp guide line doesnt disappear after you resize the columns. you can min/max the window to get rid of it tho.

#4183 Client 3.2.0 does not support åäö in path low rejected 15 years 15 years

Client 3.2.0 does not support Swedish characters åäö in path. Client report:

18:22:19 Command: RETR /srvmmxap001_e$/Home som Skall_Flyttas/1076/DOKUMENT/Bilder/Björk/PICT5534.JPG 18:22:19 Response: 550 /srvmmxap001_e$/Home som Skall_Flyttas/1076/DOKUMENT/Bilder/Björk/PICT5534.JPG: The system cannot find the path specified. 18:22:19 Error: Critical error 18:22:41 Status: Sending keep-alive command

#4186 cannot connect to server low rejected 15 years 10 years

The operating system was reset from XP home to XP Pro by the adaware program update - don't ask how - I have no idea, and neither does anyone else. BUT it reset all my accounts.

Filezilla was working wonderfully, but now I cannot connect.

The log is as follows

Connecting to Response: 220 FZ router and firewall tester ready USER FileZilla Response: 331 Give any password. PASS 3.2.0 Response: 230 logged on. Checking for correct external IP address Retrieving external IP address from Checking for correct external IP address IP ib-ca-bid-id Response: 200 OK PREP 1728 Response: 200 Using port 1728, data token 1895056417 PORT 81,20,183,83,6,192 Response: 200 PORT command successful LIST Response: 150 opening data connection

Please help as I have updates to load to a website

#4190 Aqua Buttons Flicker on OSX low outdated 15 years 12 years

Filezilla Client version 3.2.0 Command button controls flicker sporadically on the macbook osx 10.5.5 / intel. This occurs throughout the application, even on the main page - the quickconnect button.

#4200 A BUG using Filezilla Client - uploading to host in ASCII mode low outdated 15 years 12 years

Gentlement, For several days now, I have been writing several simple perl scripts, and using filezilla to upload these text files to my server, and I kept getting 'Configuration Error' when trying to run the scripts. I contacted my host tech support, and they could not find any reason as to why this error was occuring. This morning I created a simple example from an old perl book, using Notepad (windows XP of course), and uploaded it with Firefox FireFTP plugin, which shows the ASCII transfer mode, and the script worked. I have gone into filezilla Edit Settings, and under Transfers->File Types, set this to ASCII, but it does not seem to make a difference. When uploading a file to my host, it shows the transfer as Normal. FYI... My email is trebor0926@…, if you want to pass on info to me.

#4201 Can't browse Cyrillic folders on the remote server low rejected 15 years 15 years

Program Version: 3.2 When I encounter some folders on the remote server that have some or all of the characters in Cyrillic, they are displayed by the fine, but as soon, as I click on it, the second folder gets created with the wrong charset. The program takes me to the wrong charset folder, while the folder that has normal Cyrillic characters doesn't disappear. When I try to click on the correct version, it sends me back to the folder duplicate with the wrong charset. I can see all of the files and folders inside of the wrong charset folder, but I cannot do anything with them, only look at them. It gives me an error if I try to download or view files, or browse nested folders. When I type the directory path in address bar - same thing happens.

#4202 No way to set the Idle time low rejected 15 years 15 years

The idle time is WAY to short, but to make it worse, there is no way for the user to change this. A very strange omission! Many people probably falsely assume that they can change the "time out" setting, but this is only for transfers, not idle time. Why not let the user adjust this? I am tired of, every 30 seconds, having to re-connect and navigate back to the subdirectory on the server before I can ftp a file again. Thanks for hearing my rant - and yes I kind of would call this a "bug" :-)

This is for version 3.2.0 (and the previosu one).

#4205 When using sFTP, remote folder with large number of files generates error. low rejected 15 years 10 years

When attempting to open a folder on a remote sftp system, if the folder has a large number of files within, an error is generated and you do not get to review or navigate to that folder.

Below is the command list that is displayed.

Response: Current directory is: "/" Command: ls Status: Listing directory / Status: Calculating timezone offset of server... Command: mtime "AutomationTest" Response: 1233849901 Status: Timezone offsets: Server: -18001 seconds. Local: -18000 seconds. Difference: 1 seconds. Status: Directory listing successful Status: Retrieving directory listing... Command: cd "AutomationTest" Response: New directory is: "/AutomationTest" Command: ls Status: Listing directory /AutomationTest Error: No valid incoming packet found Error: Failed to retrieve directory listing

The folder in question can have upwards of some 5000 files at times.

No testing other than emptying the folder in question has been done to learn what that high limit might be.

Perhaps solution in this unusual case would be to only present partial list? or perhaps change to directory, but do not attempt to display entire contents?

If nothing else, being able to navigate to the folder at a minimum is important.

#4220 chmod low rejected 15 years 15 years


i want to change the permission of my files. but when i change it into chmod777 , the status describes that " 500 'SITE CHMOD 777 filename.php': command not understood "

due to this problem, i cannot upload any kind of forms and other files like poll system.

your help would be most appreciated.

#4240 Latest update destroyed zilla this is the worst!!!! Anyone that can help NOW low outdated 15 years 14 years

I did not want to up date as I am in the middle of a huge project but after I said no to update the program locked up.

Ok so I did the u/d bam it doesn't work at all now freezes right up.

when I try to shut down the computer the send error and end program go into a tango together......

I'm not furious just very disappointed

please help NOW

#4254 cant go up in file list. low invalid 15 years 15 years

i cant go up past the c: to my computer. so i can see all my drives.

#4266 downloaded latest update and cannot open my files low fixed 15 years 15 years

I get the error message: Call-list.2009xls cannot be opened. The associated program(WX_DDE#"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\EXCEL.EXE"\e#Excel#systen#[open("Call_List_2009.xls")]) could not be found. Please check your file type associations.

Yikes! How do I get back to the last version? Can I delete this last update and go back to another version? Thank you for your help! Angie

#4269 Filezilla.xml crash when moving from PC to MAC low outdated 15 years 12 years

Exporting the Filezilla.xml from the PC and importing it into Filezilla for Apple Mac crashes.

When a project is listed in the server manager, and has a local directory in PC format inserted (so let's say c:\projects\ ) and your are moving your data to the mac filezilla is crashing because he can not find the c: drive.

Maybe it make sense to check for PC drives and remove the entries and set them to empty when a user is importing the filezilla.xml on a mac.

Axel From

#4295 Transfer connection interrupted: ECONNABORTED - Connection aborted low rejected 15 years 15 years

I get this error when I try to open my www folder on the server. Here are the details: Command: PWD Response: 257 "/www" is current directory. Command: CDUP Response: 250 CWD command successful. Command: PWD Response: 257 "/" is current directory. Status: Directory listing successful Status: Retrieving directory listing... Command: CWD /www Response: 250 CWD command successful. Command: TYPE I Response: 200 Type set to I. Command: PASV Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (207,159,146,172,184,71). Command: LIST Response: 125 Data connection already open; Transfer starting. Error: Transfer connection interrupted: ECONNABORTED - Connection aborted Response: 550 .: An established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine. Error: Failed to retrieve directory listing

#4298 Floppy impassible by arrow keys Jeff low outdated 15 years 7 years

IF A: is empty (no floppy), the arrows cannot get you passed the floppy..

if possible, a blank listing or a default (C:\) list could appear instead.

Sorry, prefer keyboard programs, but can use mouse if necessary.

Great program!

Open Program, Tab to drive list, arrow down to A:, but gets returned to my computer instead. Pressing C or D don't allow you to jump past it either...

Not major. Thanks!

#4304 Zip files are seen as directories by Filezilla client low outdated 15 years 12 years

If the files in the remote site are zip files, Filezilla see them as directories and the file transfer is failed.

#4307 550 Prohibited file name: .pureftpd-upload + critical error + contact admin in forum low rejected 15 years 10 years

We exchanged today through my filezilla client with a trusty friend some data (video + audio video files the day before). We had both the password for this common server on my machine (he is in paris me in the south west of france, 2 different locations and machines), ready that we were to only use it for this exchange and re-configurate later the server. Unfortunately, when i deleted the whole files, it remained 2 in a "prefs" of the public_html: 550 Prohibited file name: .pureftpd-upload.49a01112.15.4127.1db34fbf and .pureftpd-upload.49a00928.15.1f63.841bf5d1, both cant be retrieved in anyways, match my whole hard disk when compared to the local server (which ever is selected); cannot delete or rename them. As well, trying to upload these files got me a critical error. DESPITE IT, WE HAD NO PB TRANSFEERING THE FILES ONE WAY OR THE OTHER (but is this procedure allowed? i doubt it ... now).

I would like to know: -if this procedure is allowed or forbidden -if i can change my password keeping the same host name on the local server -if these 2 files may harm or not the security of the exchanges (in normal conditions and in case i could change my password)

  • if they could have been introduced here to hack voluntarly my server a3356674 hosted @ (distant) or if it is just a consequence of a dysfunctional connexion and exchange;
  • if i order to sharpen risks in the future i should prefer to open a new account (new host name)?

I should add that i can delete with no pb my other accounts, one being hosted at the same root, with the same name of server a3356674, presenting the same characteristic, and this one too (it was unchanged when i reinstall filezilla and reconnect my local server)

I ask you to forgive me for this way to practice filezilla (i know pass exchange is never a safe way), but were not very used to it and it was a pretty much emergent work, that finaly we success to provide in the deadlines, and with the only help of this very practical soft i wish to keep in my favourites...

list of event follows:

Statut: Connexion à Statut: Connexion établie, attente du message d'accueil... Réponse: 220---------- Welcome to Pure-FTPd [TLS] ---------- Réponse: 220-You are user number 21 of 500 allowed. Réponse: 220-Local time is now 17:41. Server port: 21. Réponse: 220-This is a private system - No anonymous login Réponse: 220 You will be disconnected after 3 minutes of inactivity. Commande: USER a3356674 Réponse: 331 User a3356674 OK. Password required Commande: PASS Réponse: 230-User a3356674 has group access to: a3356674 Réponse: 230-OK. Current restricted directory is / Réponse: 230-51 files used (0%) - authorized: 6000 files Réponse: 230 428152 Kbytes used (27%) - authorized: 1536000 Kb Commande: SYST Réponse: 215 UNIX Type: L8 Commande: FEAT Réponse: 211-Extensions supported: Réponse: EPRT Réponse: IDLE Réponse: MDTM Réponse: SIZE Réponse: REST STREAM Réponse: MLST type*;size*;sizd*;modify*;UNIX.mode*;UNIX.uid*;UNIX.gid*;unique*; Réponse: MLSD Réponse: ESTP Réponse: PASV Réponse: EPSV Réponse: SPSV Réponse: ESTA Réponse: AUTH TLS Réponse: PBSZ Réponse: PROT Réponse: 211 End. Statut: Connecté Statut: Récupération du contenu du dossier... Commande: PWD Réponse: 257 "/" is your current location Commande: TYPE I Réponse: 200 TYPE is now 8-bit binary Commande: PASV Réponse: 227 Entering Passive Mode (216,108,235,38,33,86) Commande: LIST Réponse: 150 Accepted data connection Réponse: 226-ASCII Réponse: 226-Options: -a -l Réponse: 226 7 matches total Commande: PASV Réponse: 227 Entering Passive Mode (216,108,235,38,7,130) Commande: LIST -a Réponse: 150 Accepted data connection Réponse: 226-ASCII Réponse: 226-Options: -a -l Réponse: 226 7 matches total Trace: Server seems to support LIST -a Statut: Calcul du décalage horaire du serveur... Commande: MDTM .ftpquota Réponse: 213 20090304195736 Statut: Décalage du fuseau horaire : Serveur : -28800 secondes, Local : 0 secondes. Différence : 28800 secondes. Statut: Succès de la lecture du contenu du dossier Statut: Récupération du contenu du dossier... Commande: CWD public_html Réponse: 250 OK. Current directory is /public_html Commande: PWD Réponse: 257 "/public_html" is your current location Commande: PASV Réponse: 227 Entering Passive Mode (216,108,235,38,130,228) Commande: LIST -a Réponse: 150 Accepted data connection Réponse: 226-ASCII Réponse: 226-Options: -a -l Réponse: 226 3 matches total Statut: Succès de la lecture du contenu du dossier Statut: Récupération du contenu du dossier... Commande: CWD public_html Réponse: 250 OK. Current directory is /public_html/public_html Commande: PWD Réponse: 257 "/public_html/public_html" is your current location Commande: PASV Réponse: 227 Entering Passive Mode (216,108,235,38,180,61) Commande: LIST -a Réponse: 150 Accepted data connection Réponse: 226-ASCII Réponse: 226-Options: -a -l Réponse: 226 3 matches total Statut: Succès de la lecture du contenu du dossier Statut: Récupération du contenu du dossier... Commande: CWD prefs Réponse: 250 OK. Current directory is /public_html/public_html/prefs Commande: PWD Réponse: 257 "/public_html/public_html/prefs" is your current location Commande: PASV Réponse: 227 Entering Passive Mode (216,108,235,38,133,30) Commande: LIST -a Réponse: 150 Accepted data connection Réponse: 226-ASCII Réponse: 226-Options: -a -l Réponse: 226 4 matches total Statut: Succès de la lecture du contenu du dossier Commande: DELE .pureftpd-upload.49a00928.15.1f63.841bf5d1 Réponse: 550 Prohibited file name: .pureftpd-upload.49a00928.15.1f63.841bf5d1 Commande: DELE .pureftpd-upload.49a01112.15.4127.1db34fbf Réponse: 550 Prohibited file name: .pureftpd-upload.49a01112.15.4127.1db34fbf Statut: Récupération du contenu du dossier... Commande: CDUP Réponse: 250 OK. Current directory is /public_html/public_html Commande: PWD Réponse: 257 "/public_html/public_html" is your current location Statut: Succès de la lecture du contenu du dossier Statut: Récupération du contenu du dossier... Commande: CWD /public_html/public_html/prefs Réponse: 250 OK. Current directory is /public_html/public_html/prefs Commande: PASV Réponse: 227 Entering Passive Mode (216,108,235,38,81,55) Commande: LIST -a Réponse: 150 Accepted data connection Réponse: 226-ASCII Réponse: 226-Options: -a -l Réponse: 226 4 matches total Statut: Succès de la lecture du contenu du dossier Statut: Connexion à Statut: Connexion établie, attente du message d'accueil... Réponse: 220---------- Welcome to Pure-FTPd [TLS] ---------- Réponse: 220-You are user number 21 of 500 allowed. Réponse: 220-Local time is now 17:42. Server port: 21. Réponse: 220-This is a private system - No anonymous login Réponse: 220 You will be disconnected after 3 minutes of inactivity. Commande: USER a3356674 Réponse: 331 User a3356674 OK. Password required Commande: PASS Réponse: 230-User a3356674 has group access to: a3356674 Réponse: 230-OK. Current restricted directory is / Réponse: 230-51 files used (0%) - authorized: 6000 files Réponse: 230 428152 Kbytes used (27%) - authorized: 1536000 Kb Statut: Connecté Statut: Démarrage du téléchargement de /public_html/public_html/prefs/.pureftpd-upload.49a00928.15.1f63.841bf5d1 Commande: CWD /public_html/public_html/prefs Réponse: 250 OK. Current directory is /public_html/public_html/prefs Commande: PWD Réponse: 257 "/public_html/public_html/prefs" is your current location Commande: TYPE A Réponse: 200 TYPE is now ASCII Commande: PASV Réponse: 227 Entering Passive Mode (216,108,235,38,71,33) Commande: RETR .pureftpd-upload.49a00928.15.1f63.841bf5d1 Réponse: 550 Prohibited file name: .pureftpd-upload.49a00928.15.1f63.841bf5d1 Erreur: Erreur critique Statut: Démarrage du téléchargement de /public_html/public_html/prefs/.pureftpd-upload.49a01112.15.4127.1db34fbf Commande: PASV Réponse: 227 Entering Passive Mode (216,108,235,38,7,89) Commande: RETR .pureftpd-upload.49a01112.15.4127.1db34fbf Réponse: 550 Prohibited file name: .pureftpd-upload.49a01112.15.4127.1db34fbf Erreur: Erreur critique Statut: Récupération du contenu du dossier... Commande: CWD /lenvelopp.mp3 Réponse: 250 OK. Current directory is /lenvelopp.mp3 Commande: PWD Réponse: 257 "/lenvelopp.mp3" is your current location Commande: PASV Réponse: 227 Entering Passive Mode (216,108,235,38,126,131) Commande: LIST -a Réponse: 150 Accepted data connection Réponse: 226-ASCII Réponse: 226-Options: -a -l Réponse: 226 2 matches total Statut: Succès de la lecture du contenu du dossier Statut: Récupération du contenu du dossier... Commande: CWD /urh.htm Réponse: 250 OK. Current directory is /urh.htm Commande: PWD Réponse: 257 "/urh.htm" is your current location Commande: PASV Réponse: 227 Entering Passive Mode (216,108,235,38,90,182) Commande: LIST -a Réponse: 150 Accepted data connection Réponse: 226-ASCII Réponse: 226-Options: -a -l Réponse: 226 2 matches total Statut: Succès de la lecture du contenu du dossier Statut: Récupération du contenu du dossier... Commande: CWD /public_html Réponse: 250 OK. Current directory is /public_html Commande: PWD Réponse: 257 "/public_html" is your current location Statut: Succès de la lecture du contenu du dossier Statut: Déconnecté du serveur

#4313 Automatically downloaded xxx-setup.exe doesn't start low outdated 15 years 12 years

This is technically not new - it was well described in Ticket #1414, but that ticket was timed out by the tracker. After the setup app downloads (I put it on the desktop because I know I'll have to click it), it attempts to start but fails with unknown error 193. This is on Windows XP SP3, and I have Panda for Desktops as my antivirus.

From what I can tell on Google, the error code 193 means "%1 is not a valid win32 process."

No biggie, just a nuisance, and it's been that way ever since I discovered your wonderful Filezilla client last summer.

#4319 Filezilla crashes when trying to transfer Files with diacritic marks low invalid 15 years 15 years

Filezilla client crashes reconstructible if I try to a File with apostrophes in the name.

AppName: filezilla.exe
ModName: filezilla.exe
Offset: 0054f3d9
#4320 I can't access my account with FileZilla low rejected 15 years 15 years

Hello i can no longer access my account; at the connection, the user name is accepted, but with the password, that remains frozen, and then i displays the following message: "Resolution of the address of Status: "Resolution of the address of Status: Connecting to Status: connection is established, awaiting the welcome message... Answer: 220---------- Welcome to Pure-FTPd [privsep] [TLS] ---------- Answer: 220-You are user number 40 of 50 allowed. Answer: 220-Local time is now 05:37. Server port: 21. Answer: 220-This is a private system - No anonymous login Answer: 220-IPv6 connections are also welcome on this server. Answer: 220 You will be disconnected after 15 minutes of inactivity. Commande: USER abderrezak Réponse: 331 User abderrezak OK. Password required Commande: PASS * Réponse: 530 Login authentication failed Error: impossible to establish a connection to server."

And I have not changed my password; that is what I do? Thank you. For your information, i have uploaded with this account my database please, help me

#4321 Popup menu entries are black until the mouse hovers them low outdated 15 years 12 years

I dont know if it's only a FileZilla problem but it came up two times after i used the programm. All entries in the menus are black (black font and black background) until i move the mouse over them. THen they become visible. The problem exists now in all popup menus of my operating system (win xp sp3). Entries are black when i open a popup...very annoying. It's NOT a problem of a visual style!

#4330 Cannot upload mp3 files, but can upload all other text correction low outdated 15 years 12 years

New website - / I did not build the site and am not a "techie." / I can make text corrections and update the site using FileZilla. That part works fine. / I need to be able to post mp3 files of Sunday teachings / When I use FileZilla, it takes the normal amount of time and it appears as though it is posting to the website / When the process is complete, on the website side, it shows "0" file size / I send the exact same sound file to the guy who built my site and he is able to upload it using FileZilla. / He uses FileZilla and has guided me to do the same / He is not the maintainer of the site and I have to be / What do I need to do or to adjust so that I can post the mp3 files from here?

#4369 Update dialog cut off (Mac OS X) low fixed 15 years 15 years

The update dialog is cut off on the right side on Mac OS X. See attachment.

#4376 File size shows same after uploading same file low fixed 15 years 10 years

To reproduce the issue,

Open remote server connection (FTP) Upload a file that has been changed locally (file size should be different). Note the file size shown in the dialog box that confirms overwrite. After uploading the changed file, make more changes to the same file locally, and initiate upload again. This time the overwrite window will show the ORIGINAL file size, not the new changed file size that got changed because u uploaded new file in step(2)

#4380 Queue Numbers low worksforme 15 years 15 years

I'm trying to create a utility for creating an XML file from a excel file for import of a queue setup in FileZilla. I've got everything but the remote server path. Example:

If I try and transfer images in an Images Folder all the images get sent to the root. I can't figure out how to create folders and the folder structure used by FileZilla. I exported a queue I created with filezilla to see the xml source and there are strange numbers used Example:


<LocalFile>C:\Documents and Settings\Default\Desktop\template-2\CSS\_styles.css</LocalFile> <RemoteFile>_styles.css</RemoteFile> <RemotePath>1 0 11 public_html 3 CSS</RemotePath> <Download>0</Download> <Size>7831</Size> <TransferMode>0</TransferMode> </File>

For the RemotePath why is there a [ 1 0 11 ] also before the folder CSS why is there a [ 3 ] ? why wouldn't the path be simple like: public_html/CSS/

#4395 Not closing connections to FTP Server low worksforme 15 years 5 years

I am using Filezilla, latest release, and are seeing connections being left open to the server after I have clicked on disconnect. The last command I do see coming across to the server is the LIST command, and that is were it is hanging.

The server is WS FTP 7, running SSL.

Below is an output of the log with debug on from Filezilla.

My system I am running Vista Ultimate X64. When using other clients the connections are closing out properly.

Status: Resolving address of Status: Connecting to Status: Connection established, initializing TLS... Trace: CTlsSocket::Handshake() Trace: CTlsSocket::Handshake() Trace: CTlsSocket::Handshake() Trace: CTlsSocket::Handshake() Trace: Handshake successful Trace: Cipher: AES-128-CBC, MAC: SHA1 Status: Verifying certificate... Trace: CFtpControlSocket::SendNextCommand() Status: TLS/SSL connection established, waiting for welcome message... Trace: CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive() Response: 220 X2 WS_FTP Server 7.0(44971704) Trace: CFtpControlSocket::SendNextCommand() Command: USER nareggiej Trace: CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive() Response: 331 Enter password Trace: CFtpControlSocket::SendNextCommand() Command: PASS Trace: CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive() Response: 230 User logged in Trace: CFtpControlSocket::SendNextCommand() Command: SYST Trace: CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive() Response: 215 UNIX Trace: CFtpControlSocket::SendNextCommand() Command: FEAT Trace: CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive() Response: 211-Extensions supported Response: SIZE Response: XMD5 Response: XSHA1 Response: XSHA256 Response: XSHA512 Response: XQUOTA Response: LANG EN, ES, FR, GE Response: MDTM Response: MLST size*;type*;perm*;create*;modify*; Response: REST STREAM Response: TVFS Response: UTF8 Response: AUTH SSL;TLS-P; Response: PBSZ Response: PROT C;P; Response: 211 end Trace: CFtpControlSocket::SendNextCommand() Command: PBSZ 0 Trace: CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive() Response: 200 PBSZ=0 Trace: CFtpControlSocket::SendNextCommand() Command: PROT P Trace: CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive() Response: 200 PRIVATE data channel protection level set Status: Connected Trace: CFtpControlSocket::ResetOperation(0) Trace: CControlSocket::ResetOperation(0) Status: Retrieving directory listing... Trace: CFtpControlSocket::SendNextCommand() Trace: CFtpControlSocket::ChangeDirSend() Command: PWD Trace: CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive() Response: 257 "/users/nareggiej" is current directory Trace: CFtpControlSocket::ResetOperation(0) Trace: CControlSocket::ResetOperation(0) Trace: CFtpControlSocket::ParseSubcommandResult(0) Trace: CFtpControlSocket::ListSubcommandResult() Trace: CFtpControlSocket::SendNextCommand() Trace: CFtpControlSocket::TransferSend() Command: TYPE I Trace: CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive() Response: 200 Transfer mode set to BINARY Trace: CFtpControlSocket::TransferParseResponse() Trace: CFtpControlSocket::SendNextCommand() Trace: CFtpControlSocket::TransferSend() Command: PASV Trace: CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive() Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (64,143,96,59,254,106). Trace: CFtpControlSocket::TransferParseResponse() Trace: CFtpControlSocket::SendNextCommand() Trace: CFtpControlSocket::TransferSend() Command: LIST Trace: CTransferSocket::OnConnect Trace: CTlsSocket::Handshake() Trace: CTlsSocket::Handshake() Trace: CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive() Response: 125 Transferring directory Trace: CFtpControlSocket::TransferParseResponse() Trace: CFtpControlSocket::SendNextCommand() Trace: CFtpControlSocket::TransferSend() Trace: CTlsSocket::Handshake() Trace: Handshake successful Trace: Session resumed Trace: Cipher: AES-128-CBC, MAC: SHA1 Trace: CTransferSocket::OnConnect Trace: CTlsSocket::OnSocketEvent(): pending data, postponing close event Trace: CTransferSocket::TransferEnd(1) Trace: CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive() Response: 226 Transfer completed Trace: CFtpControlSocket::TransferParseResponse() Trace: CFtpControlSocket::SendNextCommand() Trace: CFtpControlSocket::TransferSend() Trace: CFtpControlSocket::TransferEnd() Trace: CFtpControlSocket::ResetOperation(0) Trace: CControlSocket::ResetOperation(0) Trace: CFtpControlSocket::ParseSubcommandResult(0) Trace: CFtpControlSocket::ListSubcommandResult() Trace: CFtpControlSocket::ResetOperation(0) Trace: CControlSocket::ResetOperation(0) Status: Directory listing successful Status: Disconnected from server Trace: CFtpControlSocket::ResetOperation(66) Trace: CControlSocket::ResetOperation(66)

#4399 Open menu item does not work properly low rejected 15 years 10 years

The detection method used by the "Open" menu entry when right clicking on the Local files list seems to be flawed. On video files associated with Video Lan Client it reports:

The file 'E:\folder\file.avi' could not be opened: No program has been associated on your system with this file type.

Double clicking the video files in Windows explorer or Total Commander works and VLC opens the video.

For other extensions unrelated to Video Lan Client, like .txt, .doc, .pdf it works properly.

The OS is Windows 2003 Standard, 32bit.

I'm willing to run debug versions of Filezilla, just let me know.

If it helps, here are some registry entries: HKCR\.avi\(Default) = VLC.avi HKCR\VLC.avi\(Default) = VLC media file (.avi) HKCR\VLC.avi\shell\(Default) = Play HKCR\VLC.avi\shell\Play\(Default) = Play HKCR\VLC.avi\shell\Play\command\(Default) = "C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe" --started-from-file "%1"

#4404 No TLS-Encrypted connection possible low rejected 15 years 15 years

I have configured my ProFTPD correct for working behind a firewall. So MasqueradeAddress and PassivePorts is set. Also a normal not encrypted connection is working in pasv-mode without any problems.

But using FTPES with TLS-Encryption always failed. There are several descriptions that this is a known bug and should be fixed in future Filezilla-versions. But now i am using a "future-version" and it is still not working. :-(

Here the output from the connection: ====================================

Status: Auflösen der IP-Adresse für Status: Verbinde mit Status: Verbindung hergestellt, warte auf Willkommensnachricht... Antwort: 220 FTP server ready. Befehl: AUTH TLS Antwort: 234 AUTH TLS successful Status: Initialisiere TLS... Status: Überprüfe Zertifikat... Befehl: USER intern Status: TLS/SSL-Verbindung hergestellt. Antwort: 331 Password required for intern. Befehl: PASS Antwort: 230 User intern logged in. Befehl: PBSZ 0 Antwort: 200 PBSZ 0 successful Befehl: PROT P Antwort: 200 Protection set to Private Status: Verbunden Status: Empfange Verzeichnisinhalt... Befehl: PWD Antwort: 257 "/" is current directory. Befehl: TYPE I Antwort: 200 Type set to I Befehl: PASV Antwort: 227 Entering Passive Mode (192,168,1,3,53,66). Status: Vom Server gesendete Adresse für den Passiv-Modus ist nicht routingfähig. Benutze stattdessen die Serveradresse. Befehl: LIST Antwort: 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for file list Status: Server hat die TLS-Verbindung nicht ordnungsgemäß geschlossen Fehler: Could not read from transfer socket: ECONNABORTED - Connection aborted Antwort: 226 Transfer complete. Fehler: Verzeichnisinhalt konnte nicht empfangen werden

#4412 Navigation Bar no longer viewable after upgrade to low rejected 15 years 15 years

I upgraded to yesterday and then uploaded a page. My navigation bar is no longer viewable. I find that even when I reload a page with a previously viewable navigation bar (and have not made any edits to the page), that page is also without a navigation bar.

Have you heard of this problem before? I couldn't find anything in your tickets or wiki.

I am working on a site which was constructed using FrontPage (I apologize) and has .asp extensions.

#4470 Server connection Problem low outdated 15 years 12 years

When connecting to 1 ftp server I receive an error after it logs me in that it can not retreive the directory listing. See Attached. I am currently running

It only occurs on my WAN. On my cable modem at home, it connects and transfers with no error. I spoke with our network data center and they are showing no "backtalk" from the firewall or the remote server. This has always worked until I loaded your software update about a week ago (version before this one). When I use my MAC to connect, It has no problems. No problems with DOS or Windows explorer.

#4500 Edit file uploads to wrong folder low outdated 15 years 11 years
  1. Download a file.
  2. Right click on downloaded file and select edit.
  3. Navigate to a different remote folder.
  4. Edit and save the file.
  5. Filezilla offers to upload the file. It goes to the new folder, without any way to change back to the original one.

Expected result: Upload the file to the folder it came from.

Workaround: 1. Select "No". Navigate to the correct folder and upload manually.

  1. Remeber to navigate back before saving the file in your editor.
  2. Edit/view the remote file instead of the local one. (But the connection may drop.)
#4514 accents in french not recognised now low rejected 15 years 15 years

When I try to open a file without accent, there is no problem. When a folder has an accent, it's possible to go as far as the file required, but then it becomes impossible to take it from the FTP to open it. When I use internet Explorer 8, there is no problem. But when I use Filezilla I get the message 550/data/Administration/information ÃlÃ"ves (this represents élèves in French)

#4587 Editing of files is very cumbersome compared to another software low worksforme 15 years 15 years

Dear Sir/Madam, I donwnloaded the free File Zilla from your website and also, for comparison, the shareware trial version of Smart FTP.

Whereas the process of uploading files and deletion of files is quicker in File Zilla, Editing of files is very cumbersome.

On the other hand, Editing facility in Smart FTP (e.g. automatic opening of .html files in Notepad and .css files in Microsoft Frontpage) is good. Best Wishes Prof (Wg Cdr) Gulshan Kumar Director, B-School

#4666 Force hidden files option does not work in windows XP low rejected 15 years 15 years

Hello There,

Using windows XP pro SP3 Filezilla version:

The server > force showing hidden files does not work properly for me (no files showing). I've tested using a linux version and everythings is fine there. Actually the windows version I have sends "226-Options: -l" to the server where it should send "226-Options: -a -l".

Thank you for looking into this.

#4676 dde, transaction failed, protected xls low outdated 15 years 12 years

The following error is shown when opening password protected XLS file is failed (wrong password or cancel button was pressed): "DDE execute request failed: a transaction failed."

Tested versions:,

#4683 Problem with automatic update low fixed 15 years 15 years

Every time FileZilla checked for new updates it will show Version is avaliable. If I try to download this file, there is an error message "Timer creation failed". Got the problem every time, not only at my own system, even at other PCs. I had to download latest version manually.

#4695 Extended delay starting client low rejected 15 years 15 years

There is an extended delay of around 1 to 2 minutes starting the client. Attaching a process monitor (logs attached) it can be seen that the process is trying to open the locale directory by traversing the hard drive. When the "locales" directory in c:\program files\filezilla is renamed to "locale" there is no delay.

FileZilla Client

Version: Build information:

Compiled for: i586-pc-mingw32msvc Compiled on: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu Build date: 2009-07-02 Compiled with: i586-mingw32msvc-gcc (GCC) 4.2.1-sjlj (mingw32-2) Compiler flags: -g -O2 -Wall -g -fexceptions

Linked against:

wxWidgets: 2.8.10 GnuTLS: 2.8.1

#4716 Can't drag files onto filezilla low worksforme 15 years 10 years

This seems like the weirdest problem to have. I've been shown that its a simple drag n drop, but i can't drop my docs onto filezilla. This is keeping me from moving forward with my website. Is this a firewall issue? I have Mcaffe on my computer. Let me know if seeing the docs simplifies. Hope this is a simple solution. Thanks, Jill

#4749 upload failed due too many connections low worksforme 15 years 8 years

when I am uploading many files (about 50)

filezilla failes upload when tryes to connect more then two times to same server

server: Stav: Spojení navázáno, čekám na uvítací zprávu... Odpověď: 220 ftp server ready Příkaz: USER Odpověď: 331 Password required for Příkaz: PASS Odpověď: 530 You can't be logged more than 2 times! Chyba: Nelze se spojit se serverem

filezilla write error bad password

that not true password is good (only 5 of 50 files failed) bud filezila ignore that server answers 530

#4766 Files downloads in reverse order when downloading directory low rejected 15 years 15 years

See the log.

#4784 FileZilla Crash during File Filter low rejected 15 years 15 years

FileZilla will crash when a user creates a new file filter, is editing the rules, then switches (clicks) on another filter in the list box.

#4807 Site manager->advanced settings->remote directory does not support names with dots (.) anymore low rejected 15 years 15 years

Just installed the latest version

"Site manager->advanced settings tab->remote directory input" does not support names with dots (.) anymore. It says "Remote Directory path cannot be parsed" This message is totally erroneous. It should let us enter whatever we want, and not perform validation. Furthermore, a lot of us can't tell what the underlying OS is...

For instance, I need to access the folder:

I can't type "" which is the subdirectory in which I need to go. Even when I select the "Unix" dropdown options.

Thanks for looking into this.

#4813 Danish localization doesn't fit Site Manager window low fixed 15 years 15 years

When entering the the Site Manager window using Danish localization, not all the panes are visible within the window. See attached screenshot.

#4841 Wrong routing when downloading some exoticly named files low worksforme 15 years 12 years

I had an occasion where the remote filename was .\www\automate\LISTE.csv, and it created a local folder ./www/automate/LISTE.csv to accomodate it...

I agree that Windows wouldn't like to welcome this file as is, with that filename that is, but putting it into another folder is worse. Maybe a middle solution could be negotiated? Like replacing unauthorised characters with '_' or ?

#4844 Bt home hub 2 disconnection low rejected 15 years 15 years

when i was uploading an large pack of files to byethost with my new bt home hub 2 and then it disconnect the internet...

i wonder if this software cause the problem or its my bt home hub?

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