Opened 15 years ago

Closed 15 years ago

#4380 closed Bug report (worksforme)

Queue Numbers

Reported by: greg Owned by:
Priority: low Component: FileZilla Client
Keywords: queue import, numbers, file path, file path numbers, remotepath, remote path Cc:
Component version: Operating system type: Windows
Operating system version:


I'm trying to create a utility for creating an XML file from a excel file for import of a queue setup in FileZilla. I've got everything but the remote server path. Example:

If I try and transfer images in an Images Folder all the images get sent to the root. I can't figure out how to create folders and the folder structure used by FileZilla. I exported a queue I created with filezilla to see the xml source and there are strange numbers used Example:


<LocalFile>C:\Documents and Settings\Default\Desktop\template-2\CSS\_styles.css</LocalFile>
<RemotePath>1 0 11 public_html 3 CSS</RemotePath>

For the RemotePath why is there a [ 1 0 11 ] also before the folder CSS why is there a [ 3 ] ? why wouldn't the path be simple like:

Change History (1)

comment:1 by Tim Kosse, 15 years ago

Priority: highlow
Resolution: worksforme
Status: newclosed

FileZilla supports many different path syntaxes, the standard /foo/bar/something is just one of many.

First number is type (1 for unix-like), second number is prefix length (always zero for unix-like) followed by a list of segmentlength + segment content.

The reason for this behavior is that not all supported paths can be serialized into a human-readable string and then back into the internal representation.

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