Opened 14 years ago

#7395 new Feature request

Many server in servermanager list

Reported by: Sebastian Owned by:
Priority: normal Component: FileZilla Client
Keywords: Serverlist Server Servermanager Cc:
Component version: Operating system type: Windows
Operating system version: XP


If you have a lot of server in the servermanager (e.g.>100), and you use the small arrow right to the servermanger button, you get a list, that don't fit on the screen. It took long time to navigate to serverentries at the bottom of that list.

It woult be perfect, to get a list like the windows start menu, that list the entries in rows next to each other, when the list became to long.

Attachments (1)

serverlist.png (178.7 KB ) - added by Sebastian 14 years ago.
many server in the list

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Change History (1)

by Sebastian, 14 years ago

Attachment: serverlist.png added

many server in the list

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