Opened 14 years ago

Closed 11 years ago

#6513 closed Bug report (outdated)

Download file with the same name but other casing

Reported by: Vincent Owned by:
Priority: normal Component: FileZilla Client
Keywords: filename casing Cc:
Component version: Operating system type: OS X
Operating system version: Darwin 10.5.0 i386


Version: Filezilla 2010-11-21
Compiled for: i686-apple-darwin9

Upload 2 files to a linux server:

Try downloading these 2 files to your local linux server (which are connected to your mac as a volume)

Filezilla asks to overwrite one of the files! (that's strange, because the file does not exists!)
If you say yes... it looks like filezilla downloaded both files, because they are both visible in the left panel and have the right filesize.
But if you refresh the left panel, one of the files is suddenly not visible! (the file actually didn't exist in the first place!)

Change History (1)

comment:1 by Bruno Ramos, 11 years ago

Resolution: outdated
Status: newclosed

I'm not familiar with OSX but this seems to be a case of the file system not being case sensitive...

There were already a huge number of code changes in FileZilla since ticket was created, please reopen ticket if issue still in latest version of FileZilla.

Thank you.

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