Opened 15 years ago

Last modified 15 months ago

#4826 new Feature request

Copy HTTP URL/View URL Suggestion

Reported by: Cody B Owned by:
Priority: normal Component: FileZilla Client
Keywords: Cc:
Component version: Operating system type: Windows
Operating system version: Vista Premium


Hey, I like your FileZilla Client, but it is missing a good feature to have, it makes it easier. The feature suggestion is the benfit of entering the url of the FTP Connection, copy the url, view on web, etc. I have included a screenshot of a ftp program I use that does that.

Attachments (2)

test1.png (16.2 KB ) - added by Cody B 15 years ago.
Captura de pantalla_2017-11-22_12-47-32.png (31.3 KB ) - added by dani 7 years ago.
fireftp copy http url

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (9)

by Cody B, 15 years ago

Attachment: test1.png added

comment:1 by Alexander Schuch, 12 years ago

Taken from a comment from #8327:

This idea has been proposed in #2591 already, but it only is partly implemented:

"Example: I'm connected to via FileZilla lists in the directory "/store" the file "log.txt". I would FileZilla with a right click item should copy to clipboard the URL "". - It could be done putting in Site Manager the value "Domain URL".

comment:2 by Steve Wilson, 12 years ago

Summary: Copy URL/View URL SuggestionCopy HTTP URL/View URL Suggestion

Asked for many times by many users over 4 years and never implemented. Disappointing, to say the least.

FileZilla with a right click item should copy to clipboard the URL "".

comment:4 by Peter, 8 years ago

I found this a very valuable / good idea.
I hope that the people from FileZilla has the possibility to implement this idea in the future.

The value of an idea lies in the using of it.

comment:5 by Steve Wilson, 8 years ago

This will never be implemented and I don't even care anymore. I use the (much better) WS-FTP 12. It doesn't have this feature either.

by dani, 7 years ago

fireftp copy http url

comment:6 by dani, 7 years ago

Please, add this feature.
FireFTP has it.

comment:7 by eranon, 15 months ago

+1 for this feature (also commented the equivalent ones #2591 and #8969).

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