Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (238 - 240 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#11746 fixed 550 Error Dany Chrys

Response: 550 Directory not empty.

After last update i have this error when i try to delete directory witch is not empty. I verify this with my pro client on various type of connection and various type of servers. I try to delete folders with other client and succes.

#8940 duplicate login details in plain text Dapi

Hi! I noticed that login details are stored in plain text, without encryption (%APPDATA%\Roaming\FileZilla). When someone capture the one file easily gain access to all saved accounts! It is very dangerous. Why this data is unencrypted?

#3861 fixed Scroll bar covered by upload bar Joe Miller

The upload bar covers the scroll bar in the file transfer list. I think it is caused by hiding the status of the file transfer. It is tough to explain. There is still a small space where the status should be and when it is above the scroll bar the upload bar will cover the scroll bar. You might have to scroll up and down once and then click on a file that is uploading. I am using the latest nightly build, it has been happening since the nightly builds after 3.1.3. I should have a screenshot attached to this ticket.

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