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Results (217 - 219 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1222 Cannot upload entire folder/directory to remote server Alexander Schuch deronsizemore

I've used FileZilla for a while now and have never experienced anything like this. FileZilla will allow me to connect to my remote server just fine, it will allow me to transfer files (txt, html, php, gif, jpg, etc) over to my remote server just fine, but when I try to grab a whole folder/directory it does nothing. I used to be able to just grab say and "images" folder with lets say 10 images files inside the folder from my local machine, drag the whole folder over and that's it. Now when I try to do this very same thing it's like FileZilla doesn't even recognize that I'm doing anything. It doesn't come up and tell me that anything is processing, or going through, just sits there.

I just reinstalled a clean copy of windows (fully patched and updated) on my machine today because of this problem (thinking it had to be something with my machine) and that did not solve it either. I AM using the newest version of FileZilla.

I also have FileZilla in passive mode too.

I would really appreciate any assistance I can get with this!

#1223 Interface settings saved wrong if 'Message Log' disabled Alexander Schuch usiro

In 2.2.30:

If the message log is turned off, the gui positioning isn't saved properly - the queue gets pumped up out of proportion.

This happens with both Startup settings set to 'always use the following configuration below' with message log turned off there, and also if set to 'remember last used configuration' and message log turned off by the gui icon.

#1225 Sended files over FTP SSL with SOCKS proxy are corrupted Alexander Schuch glr81

FileZilla 2.2.30 Activated proxy : SOCKS v5 Server type : FTP over SSL/TLS (implicit encryption) Transfer type : auto Passive mode

Sended files over a FTP SSL connection with a SOCKS proxy are corrupted.

The connection and the SSL/TLS negotiation are ok. The upload to the server seems to be ok in the logs but actually the sended files are corrupted. Tested with several SOCKS proxies. No such issue without proxy or with an external SOCKS client (tested with Hummingbird). Seems also to be ok when only downloading (retrieving) files from the FTPS server.

(Session logs attached)

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