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Results (511 - 513 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#513 Resume bug when uploading files anonymous

I have version 2.2.1b of FileZilla. When I pause an upload an resume it later on, it doesn't work. Instead of that i get this error message: Append/Restart not permitted, try again. Upload failed. Other FTP programs work fine, so it isn't the server's fault.

#514 Could not start filezilla ftp server anonymous

Hello. I've been using filezilla servers and client on my computers at work and homw, all working fine (I do not use any fancy features... just normal plain file xfers).

I restarted my work box today (winXP - after about 2 weeks of uptime), and filezilla server failed to start. interface cant connect to server. when i try to manually start filezilla server service I get the following error message:

Could not start the Filezilla Server FTP server service on Local Computer.

Error 193: 0xc1

i cant find any help related to that problem and i would really likke to get it fixed.

i uninstalled filezilla ftp server several times, downloaded latest version, etc, etc. problem did not go away.

#515 FileZilla does not run after first message. anonymous

After initially running FileZilla and recieving the "Do you want to save settings in the Registry or as an XML file." FileZilla does not run. At all. No screen. No error message, nothing. Zip. Nada. Zilch.

Running a tool like OpenTrap shows that FileZilla is trying to use Riched32.dll in the Windows/system directory. Apparently, this file seems to have dissappeared from my directory in some fashion.

So I ran SFC (Start/Run/SFC) and used the "Extract one file" option to replace the missing file from my Win98 SE disc.

I figured this report would be useful to anyone else who might encounter the same problem I did since a search on Google didn't reveal anything.

System: Win98 SE ZoneAlarm MBM 5.1

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