Custom Query (15 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Keywords Owner Type Priority
#7288 Overwrite file should occur if the filename is same and filesize is different new Overwrite file should occur if the filename is same and filesize is different Feature request high
#9960 When renaming/moving remotely, ask for confirmation if target already exists new drag-and-drop move file overwrite no warning Feature request high
#12375 Unable to 'mv' with overwrite new mv rename overwrite Bug report high
#4020 Individual Folder Configurations for Overwriting Files new overwrite Feature request normal
#4554 file exists action - add overwrite if source file larger option new overwrite source file larger Feature request normal
#4732 Don't overwrite file until transfer is complete new overwrite, upload, transfer Feature request normal
#5396 Remembering overwrite action for current tab new remember,overwrite,action,tab,server Feature request normal
#8034 Read permission denied Truncates local file new read permission overwrite empty truncate dataloss Bug report normal
#8054 Click-dragging file transfers in a certain way quickly can make FileZilla unresponsive new frozen,dialog boxes,identical,overwrite Bug report normal
#9840 Sync After Overwrite new synchronize sync overwrite Feature request normal
#10616 File transfert: yes/no overwrite or copied. How to know? new file transfert overwrite keep copy replace Feature request normal
#11404 "overwrite file if size differs" rule will delete local copy while remote files showing in list but actually not existing new overwrite file size-difference Feature request normal
#12538 Overwrite permission not saved new Overwrite permission Bug report normal
#12642 Server upload write permission new server upload write permission Feature request normal
#9924 rename and overwrite cause incomplete file list new rename overwrite incomplete file list Bug report low
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.