Custom Query (30 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Keywords Owner Type Priority
#8081 Settings: Interface -> Filesize format (spelling) new text-wording Bug report low
#10251 the Help(帮助) display ? new text-wording Bug report low
#10575 example text file association for wrong OS new file-association, text-wording Bug report low
#2299 Don't save password on quickconnect new quickconnect password Feature request normal
#5677 Problem with fast connection if username is equal to 'anonymous' new anonymous password Bug report normal
#7430 FTP Proxy - proxy user account password 'ASK' checkbox new proxy account password Feature request normal
#7469 In interactive mode, remember password for this session new password, remember Bug report normal
#8173 Password Encryption // Master Password moreinfo password, encryption, master password Theo D. Patch normal
#8478 ftp/s does not support certificate-auth (no password) new ftp/s certificate auth no password Feature request normal
#8895 FTP proxy password with ampersand new proxy password ampersand Bug report normal
#9222 Password Manager - Password Drag and Drop new password manager drag and drop Feature request normal
#9511 Open URL: change Quickconnect label "Host:" to "Host/URL:", make "Remote site:" accept URL, add "File -> Open URL" cmd new open, connect, url, usability, ui, text-wording Feature request normal
#10256 No word wrap in user description new word wrap user description Feature request normal
#10757 OSX Filename Filters toggle key not working new Mac, OSX, Filename Filters, Keyword Bug report normal
#10766 password distorted when XML transfer between different OS moreinfo xml,password error Bug report normal
#11282 Save Password Authentication Failed with Master Password moreinfo master password authentication failed Bug report normal
#11308 Ask For Password Once, But Only On One Of My 3 Servers new Ask For Password Once Bug report normal
#11474 Old password used when sending files new old password, password change, right-click upload, select and upload, in-memory password, outdated password Bug report normal
#11775 Problem connecting to SFTP using ssh key and password new ssh+password Feature request normal
#12512 SFTP: Password-only auth/SSH agent new password, auth, authentication, sftp, only, key, ssh, agent, optional, prompt, passwor Bug report normal
#12759 application crashes on close when master password was enabled moreinfo password crash Bug report normal
#12863 Filezilla ask me password for coping file, when master-password is active new master-password Bug report normal
#12879 Filezilla Error 530 new Password rejection Bug report normal
#12954 Proxy password no more hidden (clearly visible) new password, proxy Bug report normal
#7450 recentservers.xml save the pasword in clear code new passwords cleartext unencrypted recentservers.xml Bug report high
#12033 FileZilla Pro (3.45.2) does not connect to S3 bucket via HTTP proxy with username/pwd new s3 http proxy user password Bug report high
#12462 Lost Password new lost, paaasword Other high
#12516 Master Password not being remembered new Master Password Bug report blocker
#11843 he perdido mi contraseña new password Other critical
#13009 In interactive logon mode, repetitive password prompt new mulitple password prompt Feature request critical
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