Opened 11 years ago

Last modified 8 years ago

#9425 closed Feature request

Update to New Version should not delete all QuickConnects — at Initial Version

Reported by: Tim Bonham Owned by:
Priority: normal Component: FileZilla Client
Keywords: new version upgrade process Cc:
Component version: Operating system type: Windows
Operating system version: Vista Business


When updating to a new version, Filezilla loses all the Quickconnect information. The purpose of Filezilla is to make it convenient to upload files to websites, including not having to look up all this stuff every time. And the more you use Filezilla, the more you tend to forget all these connect details. Until a new version of Filezilla is releases, and you update to it -- then all that information is lost, and you have to look it all up again! Very inconvenient for your users -- almost makes it not worth upgrading to the new release.

At the very least, add some way to view the Quickconnect info, so we could at least print it out before upgrading to a new release, then type it all in once again after the upgrade deletes it all.

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