Opened 13 years ago

Closed 13 years ago

#7980 closed Bug report (outdated)

timing out i cant upload some files from mac

Reported by: rojere Owned by:
Priority: high Component: FileZilla Client
Keywords: error uploading files Cc: sobrino
Component version: Operating system type: OS X
Operating system version: mac os X 10.7.3


yes whenever i sign into ftp server
im not in for even a minute and it times me out

Change History (7)

comment:1 by rojere, 13 years ago

it was also making errors on uploading files
the size of the files would always be 0kb it doesn't actually upload the file
i can download files with no problems even full folders... but on the upload it doesn't upload the bytes though it says it was successfully uploaded but the files on the site would have 0kb

comment:2 by bratkartoffel, 13 years ago

Which version of FileZilla are you using?
Can you please attach the log output?


comment:3 by sobrino, 13 years ago

Keywords: error uploading files added
Operating system version: windows 7 ultimatemac os X 10.7.3
Summary: timing outtiming out i cant upload some files from mac - upload with

comment:4 by sobrino, 13 years ago

Cc: sobrino added
Operating system type: WindowsOS X
Priority: normalhigh
Summary: timing out i cant upload some files from mac - upload withtiming out i cant upload some files from mac

Hi! I've several problems.

I used filezilla 1 month ago without problems in my MAC OS X 10.7.3.

But now y try to upload a index.html (3 kb) in my server using filezilla and report a problem, it try to upload, and in a minute says: Target file already exists. Ok. I select Overwrite, and try to upload again and report again the same: Target file already exists. I select cancel (boring) and the file appears in the server but with 0 bytes.

Is very strange, because only happens with some files. Another files can be upload without problems.
I have been checking 1 week, without solutions... I can see that if I create an html without code between <body> </body> i can upload de file. But... Why I cant upload some files and another one yes I can? Whats is the problem? Is a new upgrade of MAC OS X? Problems with configuration?

I have tryed all possible configurations...

But... attention... I try upload the files from a PC (Windows) and all is ok, there are not any problems.

What can be the problem? My server company and Apple Support says that the problem is FIlezilla... But I think that no... because y try to use another FTP CLients Progams Freeware and I have the same problem...

Thanks for your help.


comment:5 by bratkartoffel, 13 years ago

Wen you tried other ftp clients then the problem is most likely not with filezilla. as i'm not aware which server software is used i cannot give you further advise than insisting checking the servver logs.


comment:6 by Alexander Schuch, 13 years ago

Please do not hijack bug reports and please do not cross-post (your issue was #8022).

comment:7 by Alexander Schuch, 13 years ago

Resolution: outdated
Status: newclosed

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