Opened 14 years ago

Closed 8 years ago

#7421 closed Feature request (fixed)

Add Support for Amazon AWS S3 Service as a Storage Target

Reported by: Wayne Anderson Owned by:
Priority: normal Component: FileZilla Client
Keywords: amazon, AWS, S3 Cc:
Component version: Operating system type: Windows
Operating system version:

Description (last modified by Tim Kosse)

Add support for Amazon Web Service (AWS) S3 storage buckets as a file transfer target for FileZilla.

My search would indicate that this request was last addressed in tickets 2741 and 2648, which at the time the recommended path was requesting Amazon support FTP.

In the intervening timeframe, the userbase of AWS S3 has exploded, there have existed a number of architectural reasons why API based access provides significant advantage. The present climate of FileZilla's use would establish a case for the interface metaphor so well liked in FileZilla to target S3 storage buckets as well.

The developer documentation, including the S3 API and developer guides is available at:

Change History (9)

comment:2 by Wayne Anderson, 14 years ago

Component: UnknownFileZilla Client
Keywords: Amazon AWS S3 added; The whole thing is a ripoff anyways. removed
Operating system type: BSDWindows
Operating system version: The whole thing is a ripoff anyways.All
Priority: lownormal
Resolution: wontfix
Status: closedreopened
Type: Bug reportFeature request

Prior user comment not appropriate in nature, makes gratuitous changes.

Restoring ticket settings.

comment:3 by Wayne Anderson, 14 years ago

Summary: The whole thing is a ripoff anyways.Add Support for Amazon AWS S3 Service as a Storage Target
Type: Feature requestBug report

comment:4 by Wayne Anderson, 14 years ago

Type: Bug reportFeature request

comment:6 by Wayne Anderson, 14 years ago

Component: FileZilla ServerFileZilla Client
Keywords: Amazon AWS S3 added; spice storage removed
Operating system type: BSDWindows
Operating system version: lolAll
Resolution: fixed
Status: closedreopened
Summary: spice storageAdd Support for Amazon AWS S3 Service as a Storage Target
Type: Bug reportFeature request

Prior user comment not appropriate in nature, makes gratuitous changes.
Restoring ticket settings.

comment:8 by Wayne Anderson, 14 years ago

Component: UnknownFileZilla Client
Keywords: Amazon AWS S3 added; User error removed
Operating system type: OS XWindows
Operating system version: User errorAll
Priority: lownormal
Resolution: worksforme
Status: closedreopened
Summary: User errorAdd Support for Amazon AWS S3 Service as a Storage Target
Type: Bug reportFeature request

Prior user comment not appropriate in nature, makes gratuitous changes.
Restoring ticket settings.

comment:9 by Tim Kosse, 14 years ago

Priority: criticalnormal
Status: newmoreinfo

Is there a reference implementation of the S3 protocol so that I can run my own S3 server on my own hardware for testing?

comment:10 by Wayne Anderson, 14 years ago

Status: moreinfonew

There is not a "reference implementation" per se, in that the toolkit is proprietary to Amazon's platform of inter-related AWS cloud services. Thus testing would be against a live instance on Amazon.

The positive news here is that Amazon has created an "AWS Fee Usage Tier" for just such testing scenarios where you can signup for a free AWS account and then are granted a minimum set of resources at no cost. You can then use the API to create and modify storage buckets, and store up to 5GB of data with up to 20k get requests and 2k put requests without charge.

This should be sufficient for basic development and testing scenarios. My experience developing for such things would indicate that if you are going to "bust" anything in the free tier, its going to be the transaction volumes testing multi-part upload for gross file speeds. Additional requests are charged at a single penny per 1,000 upload requests or 10,000 download requests, which should be very economical for continued testing against the live APIs.

The Free Usage Tier:
The AWS S3 documentation:

comment:11 by Adam Nielsen, 8 years ago

There are now a few open source server implementations that you can run locally instead of using Amazon's free services:

These two are compatible enough that you can use Amazon's official client tools to work with your local S3 instance.

Since the S3 protocol is built on standard HTTP requests, hopefully it won't be too much effort to add to Filezilla!

comment:12 by Tim Kosse, 8 years ago

Description: modified (diff)
Resolution: Nonefixed
Status: newclosed

FileZilla Pro has support for S3.

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