Opened 14 years ago

#7232 new Bug report

sftp implementation presumes a fixed size buffer of 32KB for transfer of data to client

Reported by: ak Owned by:
Priority: normal Component: FileZilla Client
Keywords: download sftp buffersize Cc:
Component version: Operating system type: Windows
Operating system version:


If the server does not return exactly 32KB of data the following error is generated:
error while reading: received a short buffer from FXP_READ, but not at EOF
The specific issue is around line 1331 of sftp.c. There is a rather broad comment on 1289 in which the developer was unsure how to handle a short read.
The RFC is a bit fuzzy in describing this case (section 8.2.1):
However, the server MAY respond with less
data if EOF is reached, an error is encountered, or the servers
internal buffers can not handle such a large request.
I believe the key point is "MAY respond with less if the servers internal buffer cannot handle such a large request" is sufficient broad that the client should not assume that fewer than 'length' bytes is indeed EOF or an error.
I'm unsure about windows API; but for variants of UNIX (including linux) this closely follows the read API in which the implementation is free to return fewer than N bytes (hence the return values indicate the number of bytes read). While typically synchronous reads will indeed return N bytes they are not required to do so.
Anyways we ran into this issue when the server did in fact return fewer bytes and the client (filezilla) abruptly exited.
Following the above convention we believe the loop should be written as:

while(toread > 0 ) {

n = read(buf,MIN(bufsize,toread);
if( n indicate error ) error;
toread -= n;

rather than
while(toread > 0 ) {

n = read(buf,MIN(bufsize,toread);
if( n != MIN(bufsize,toread) ) error;

Here is the code from the standard linux sftp.c client:
code to actually read the data:
while (total_read < buffer_maxlen) {
bytes_requested = buffer_maxlen - total_read;
*(s++) = SSH_FXP_READ;

request_id = sftp->request_id++;

retcode = _libssh2_channel_write(channel, 0, (char *) packet,


retcode =

sftp_packet_requirev(sftp, 2,read_responses,

request_id, &data, &data_len);



bytes_read = _libssh2_ntohu32(data + 5);

if (bytes_read > (data_len - 9)) {

sftp->read_packet = NULL;
sftp->read_state = libssh2_NB_state_idle;
return -1;



_libssh2_debug(session, LIBSSH2_TRACE_SFTP, "%lu bytes returned",

(unsigned long) bytes_read);


memcpy(buffer + total_read, data + 9, bytes_read);
handle->u.file.offset += bytes_read;
total_read += bytes_read;
LIBSSH2_FREE(session, data);

  • Set the state back to allocated, so a new one will be
  • created to either request more data or get EOF */

sftp->read_state = libssh2_NB_state_allocated;

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