Opened 15 years ago

Closed 15 years ago

Last modified 11 years ago

#5435 closed Bug report (fixed)

Directory Listing includes date as part of filename

Reported by: Felix Oxley Owned by: Tim Kosse
Priority: normal Component: FileZilla Client
Keywords: date filename Cc: felix.oxley@…
Component version: Operating system type: Windows
Operating system version: XP


The date (in Lithuanian) is included as the first part of the filename.
The date column is empty.

Screen shot, logs and network capture attached.

Attachments (3)

raw_directory_listing.txt (9.3 KB ) - added by Felix Oxley 15 years ago.
Log file in debug mode with raw directory listing
listing1.png (113.5 KB ) - added by Felix Oxley 15 years ago.
Screenshot showing how the filenames are displayed
packet1.txt (6.4 KB ) - added by Felix Oxley 15 years ago.
Wireshark packet sniff excerpt

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (8)

by Felix Oxley, 15 years ago

Attachment: raw_directory_listing.txt added

Log file in debug mode with raw directory listing

by Felix Oxley, 15 years ago

Attachment: listing1.png added

Screenshot showing how the filenames are displayed

by Felix Oxley, 15 years ago

Attachment: packet1.txt added

Wireshark packet sniff excerpt

comment:1 by Tim Kosse, 15 years ago

Status: newmoreinfo

Your server sends a highly exotic localized listing format. (Which a server shouldn't do as the internet is global.)

Please consider switching to a more modern server supporting the MLSD command, it does not suffer from those issues as it uses a very well defined listing format.

Can you please compile a list of all month name abbreviations for Lithuanian? Then I might be able to add support for that language. I cannot guarantee success though as the abbreviations might conflict with other languages.

comment:2 by Felix Oxley, 15 years ago

Status: moreinfonew

Lithuanian month abbreviations:

1 Sau
2 Vas
3 Kov
4 Bal
5 Geg
6 Bir
7 Lie
8 Rgp
9 Rgs
10 Spa
11 Lap
12 Grd

comment:3 by Felix Oxley, 15 years ago


If possible could you indicate whether this is fixable or if I need to use an alternative client?
(I do not control the host so cannot resolve the issue by using a better FTP server package)


comment:4 by Felix Oxley, 15 years ago

Cc: felix.oxley@… added
Owner: set to Tim Kosse
Priority: normalcritical
Status: newassigned


I'd really appreciate a response on this.
Is this fixable?

If I don't receive an answer I will have no option but to use another client. :-(
I do not want to do that!

I put a lot of effort into giving a highly detailed bug report with lots of supporting info, I responded quickly to your follow up questions.

Please can you indicate whether continuing to be patient will have any benefit to me.


comment:5 by Tim Kosse, 15 years ago

Priority: criticalnormal
Resolution: fixed
Status: assignedclosed

Already implemented in FileZilla 3.3.4, please update to the most recent version.

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