Opened 16 years ago

Closed 16 years ago

Last modified 11 years ago

#4598 closed Bug report (rejected)

Critical error when connecting to Serv-U FTP

Reported by: Paul Owned by:
Priority: normal Component: FileZilla Client
Keywords: Cc:
Component version: Operating system type: Windows
Operating system version: Vista


This is what I get:

22:10:03 Error: Critical error
22:10:03 Status: Starting download of /nas/software/Music Upload/pics/_MG_6928.JPG
22:10:03 Command: CWD /nas/software/
Music Upload/pics
22:10:03 Response: 550 nas/software/nas/software/Music Upload/pics: No such file or directory.
22:10:03 Command: SIZE /nas/software/
Music Upload/pics/_MG_6927.JPG
22:10:03 Response: 550
nas/software/nas/software/Music Upload/pics: No such file or directory.
22:10:03 Command: SIZE /nas/software/
Music Upload/pics/_MG_6928.JPG
22:10:03 Response: 550 nas/software/nas/software/Music Upload/pics/_MG_6927.JPG: No such file.
22:10:03 Command: PORT 192,168,1,101,212,143
22:10:03 Response: 550
nas/software/nas/software/Music Upload/pics/_MG_6928.JPG: No such file.
22:10:03 Command: PORT 192,168,1,101,212,144
22:10:03 Response: 200 PORT Command successful.
22:10:03 Command: RETR /nas/software/Music Upload/pics/_MG_6927.JPG
22:10:03 Response: 200 PORT Command successful.
22:10:03 Command: RETR /nas/software/
Music Upload/pics/_MG_6928.JPG
22:10:03 Response: 550 nas/software/nas/software/Music Upload/pics/_MG_6927.JPG: No such file or directory.
22:10:03 Error: Critical error
22:10:03 Status: Starting download of /nas/software/
Music Upload/pics/_MG_6916.JPG
22:10:03 Command: CWD /nas/software/Music Upload/pics
22:10:03 Response: 550
nas/software/nas/software/Music Upload/pics/_MG_6928.JPG: No such file or directory.
22:10:03 Error: Critical error
22:10:03 Response: 550 nas/software/nas/software/Music Upload/pics: No such file or directory.
22:10:03 Command: SIZE /nas/software/
Music Upload/pics/_MG_6916.JPG
22:10:03 Response: 550
nas/software/nas/software/Music Upload/pics/_MG_6916.JPG: No such file.
22:10:03 Command: PORT 192,168,1,101,212,145
22:10:03 Response: 200 PORT Command successful.
22:10:03 Command: RETR /nas/software/
Music Upload/pics/_MG_6916.JPG
22:10:03 Response: 550 nas/software/nas/software/Music Upload/pics/_MG_6916.JPG: No such file or directory.
22:10:03 Error: Critical error
22:10:03 Status: Retrieving directory listing...
22:10:03 Command: CWD /nas/software/
Music Upload/pics
22:10:04 Response: 550
nas/software/nas/software/Music Upload/pics: No such file or directory.
22:10:04 Error: Failed to retrieve directory listing

Change History (1)

comment:1 by Tim Kosse, 16 years ago

Resolution: rejected
Status: newclosed

Nothing unusual in the log. FileZilla does thinks by the book.

Your server on the other hand seems very odd, see the duplication of the leading slash by the server.

Try upgrading to a better server.

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