Opened 19 years ago

Last modified 19 years ago

#1055 closed Bug report

SFTP very slow

Reported by: san9jay Owned by:
Priority: normal Component: Other
Keywords: Cc: san9jay, Tim Kosse, jochenwezel, rafgeens
Component version: Operating system type:
Operating system version:


I am using Filezilla 2.2.19a on winXP SP2+all patches
I am connecting to a remote Solaris server.
I am trying to transfer a 80MB binary zip file from the
remote solaris server to the local drive.

My internet connection speed is (ADSL) 512KB/s down
128KB up.

My transfer speeds using FileZilla max out at
approximately 21KB/s using the SFTP protocol.

I repeated the transfer using WinSCP 3.80 (SFTP) for
the same remote Solaris server and same file and was
able to get about 38KB/s

I then repeated the transfer using scp from a Suse
Linux 9.1 box to the same Solaris server and same file
and was able to get about 47 KB/s

The test file was about 80MB.

Any ideas why Filezilla is so slow on sftp transfers?


Change History (7)

comment:1 by Tim Kosse, 19 years ago

This problem should be fixed in the upcoming FileZilla 3.
You can already get early test versions

comment:2 by san9jay, 19 years ago

Ok. Glad to hear this problem is being addressed.

I downloaded the Filezilla3 nightly (April 18) and gave it a
test. At least in that nightly there seems to be no
improvement. I still see about 21Kb.

I will wait till the Filezilla 3 gets released before
testing again.


comment:3 by Tim Kosse, 19 years ago

Can you please try psftp.exe from
and report which transfer speeds you get with it?
FileZilla's SFTP support is based on that. (An
interestingly, WinSCP uses PuTTY as well)

comment:4 by san9jay, 19 years ago

unfortunately psftp does not report the transfer rates.

comment:5 by jochenwezel, 19 years ago

when SFTP is FTP over SSH, I've seen this problem. But then
it applies to the OpenSSH server product on the server.
After a restart of the SSH server service/daemon, the
transfer performs fine, again.
I solved this issue by installed the latest OpenSSH server
product to the server.

comment:6 by rafgeens, 19 years ago

I've just had the same problem with sftp over ssh2. A 10GB
file transferred at 270KB/s in Filezilla 2.2.11 . In SSH
Secure File Transfer it became 3900KB/s .

comment:7 by Tim Kosse, 19 years ago

This problem will be fixed in FileZilla 3. You can download
nightly builds from

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