Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (280 - 282 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#4932 fixed automatic upload does not detect synchronized directory Fred Odijk

Steps: Open FileZilla for website using synchronized browsing. Edit and save a local file. Popup shows asking confirmation to upload edited file. When confirmed FileZilla transfers the file to the root-directory of the remote site, instead of the synchronized directory shown at the right-hand side.

#4933 fixed Pane widths reset on New Tab Daniel Beardsmore

Using 3.3.0-beta1 -- when opening a new tab, the widths of the four directory panes are reverted to defaults. These panes are the local site tree pane, local listing pane, remote site tree pane, remote listing pane. This happens with the layouts with horizontal spacing, e.g. all but classic.

Classic layout remains unaffected as it's only the horizontal layout that's reset to defaults.

#4934 fixed Crash on layout change after closing tab Daniel Beardsmore

Steps to reproduce, in 3.0.0-beta1:

  • Open FileZilla
  • Create a new tab
  • Close that tab
  • Under Settings > Interface > Layout, choose another layout

Causes a crash, then Dr Watson crashes, then Dr Watson crashes trying to crash Dr Watson :)

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