Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (271 - 273 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#10270 worksforme Site Manager import treats base64 encoded password as plain text password Dmitry Kornienko

When importing a Site Manager entry, the Base64-encoded password entry is treated as a plain-text password.

Steps to reproduce ( and 3.10.2-rc2): 1) File -> Export -> Export Site Manager entries 2) XML file contains a Base64-encoded password string, which correctly decodes to the plain-text password 3) Import the Site Manager entry 4) Password to the FTP site is not accepted anymore by the remote server 5) Repeat Site Manager Export 6) XML file contains a different, longer Base64-encoded password string, which decodes to a Base64-encoded password string from step 2, not the correct plain-text password

#8196 duplicate Deferred transfers Doezer

I often would like to be able to plan transfers for a defined time.

It should be able to be defined for every file transferred and should propose to define a date based on the PC's date which is when the file will be downloaded/uploaded.

Optionally, it could be proposed to define the date as a countdown (like "the file will be transferred in : .. [seconds/minutes/hours/days]"). It could also define an OS scheduled job.

Thanks for your job !

#9050 outdated Floating server list option Doezerx

When I chose an option from my servers list, the option I chose stays on the screen, like floating. Check the image for more info. Quitting FZ doesn't remove it.

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