Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#4790 fixed "Del" key on the keypad does not work for deleting files Tim Kosse james

If I highlight a file (remote or local) and press the "Delete" key, it deletes. However, if I do the same with the "Del" key on the keypad, nothing happens. It looks like the key bindings are off.


#2658 wontfix "Delete To Trash" Option jerkyboy

Like to see a "Delete to Trash" option where if a file is deleted from a remote client, the file is move to the trash as opposed to deleted from the drive(s).


#3429 "Do you want to overwrite" when transferring lot of files kuikkaj

Filezilla on Windows XP Pro SP2. Using FTP with Ubuntu 7.10 ftp server from package "ftpd". Version 0.17-25.

Server identifies itself as: Version 6.5/OpenBSD/Linux-ftpd-0.17

Use case: Transferring about 28000 files and directories from windows pc to linux server. There are about 10GB of files sized 1k-100k and 40GB of 5-20MB.

Total size of transfer about 50GB. Transfer was over 1Gbit local ethernet.

Destination directory was empty when transfer was started. Transfer was initiated by drag'n'dropping source directories into the target directory in FileZilla main window. This was done twice with different source directories.

Using binary mode for all files (forced) and 10 simultaneous transfers.


For four times during the transfer I got the "File exists - Do you want to overwrite file" -dialog. In two cases it reported the source and destination files to be of the same size and in two cases the destination file was smaller, as if a previous transfer had aborted for some reason.

This is a problem because the destination directory was empty when transfer was started.

After transfer there was nothing in "Queued transfers" or "Failed transfers" -tabs in Filezilla.

I tried getting the verbose message log from retry of the transfer but I cannot find a way to redirect the log into a file and the message field is nowhere near long enough.

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