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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1795 fixed Secure mode for FTP proxy password anonymous

In our company, we access the internet via an ftp proxy server. This server requires the personal user name and password. While Filezilla supports a secure mode for FTP connections (namely not saving any passwords in its database), it is not possible to keep Filezilla from saving the proxy password.

As our security guidlines do not allow to save any password in software on the users machine, we can not use FileZilla. Therefore it would be hightly desirably if Filezilla could prompt for the ftp proxy password every time it makes a connection / every time the program is loaded.

#1910 fixed Transfer many at the same time by server mariozavood

First of all I would like to congratulate you on the great work you have done. I have a small proposal for a feature enhancement you might like to consider.

In the file transfer settings, you can now set the total number of concurrent connections. It would be nice if you could set how many connections you can make by server.

For instance, you could be able to configure:

Transfer up to 3 files at the same time Maximum number of connections per server: 1

The reason is that many ftp servers limit the number of connections from an IP address, so that many times you cannot actually use the feature as it is implemented now.

Thanks for your time and keep up the good work!

#1950 fixed A shortcut to upload/download file anonymous

When i'm doing web-stuff, I always Alt-tab from mozilla, editor and ftp program, i never use the mouse during that, and i didn't found any keybord shortcut in order tu upload/download selected file(s), is there one ? If not, that would be cool if you add one !


PS: very good job ! is there a chance to see a linux version one day ?

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