Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (262 - 264 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#12467 duplicate Crash On Filezilla Pro gdrive Charles

Crashes each time after successful login to google drive account after update to new version. Reopening app from macOS crash dialog also reopens a new terminal window – does not crash again with terminal window open. Closing terminal window closes the app. Tried reinstall.

#12466 duplicate Filezilla Client Crashes christian.l

When it crashes it does it unceremoniously, no crash dump nothing on the screen. Just boom - gone.

Happens when transferring files to OneDrive.

#12461 fixed Unable to load Putty PPK Private key for SFTP connection while same works on CyberDuck Selva

The newly generated RSA 2048 key on Putty in Windows, and Mac is not loading on CyberDuck.


  1. Generate a private key using PUTTY
  2. Open FileZilla
  3. Site Manager > New Site
  4. Select Logon type as 'Key file'
  5. select the attached PPK file from the ticket.

FileZilla will not accept the key nor display an error message. The same key works fine with

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