Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (247 - 249 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1622 Remote listing after directory transfer Alexander Schuch magra

If I transfer an entire directory (drag&drop the folder icon) from local to remote then when the transfer is completed the remote site listing remains in the place where the last file was transferred to.

I think it would be better to return the remote listing back to the original directory prior to the transfer.

#1634 File Overwrite setting Alexander Schuch anonymous

Dear Programmer,

Can You make like this? In Transfer>File Overwrite setting>If same file and size then skip

Regards, novan_as

#1649 add customisable systray icon tooltip Alexander Schuch kaleus

My request are :

-SysTray tooltip with more info (customisable will be the top !)

-Displaying shortcuts in status bar tips and menu, important I think.

-A more beautifull toolbar, and why not a customisable one, like PowerArchiver with it's huge skins archive !

-Possibility of set the program to not send the file that failed to download (or upload) at the end of the queue but retry it as many time I have setting that.

Thank you very much for your great program ! :o)

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