Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (208 - 210 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#3498 Doesn't see accented chars wibbleypants
Description - Ubuntu

This file is not seen on the server:


Whereas this one is:


The full path is:

Firefox loads it up fine (that's where the above url came from), so I guess Filezilla doesn't see filenames with accents.

#2799 duplicate Advanced Logging whyeye

i'd love to see logging options, such as keeping one log file per user or for different time intervals (not only per day, but per month for instance). as a combination of the above, saving log-files per day/week/month in subfolders for each user.

#11428 fixed FileZilla Pro: S3 connect , not to a amazon host Bill Hutton

Enter in host name, user, password. The credentials are still being sent to Amazon and not the host name I entered.

Filezilla Pro version 3.28.0

Windows 7 Pro.

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