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Results (199 - 201 of 8170)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#384 tooltip in download queue keeps old value after deleting ent kpalsson
  1. have a list of files in the download queue, all with

names long enough to warrant tool tips.

  1. use the mouse to click on a file. (tool tip will

pop up)

  1. use the up and down arrow keys to move around, tool

tip will keep popping up for the file with the mouse cursor on it. All good so far, as expected. Now...

  1. go back down with the arrow keys to highlight the

file with the mouse pointer on it. (Don't move the mouse)

  1. press delete on the keyboard to remove it from the


  1. move up and down with the arrow keys. Now, the

tooltip that shows is for the deleted file, instead of the new file that has risen up the queue to replace it.

Same thing happens when a file completes and is removed from the top of the list, the tooltip still shows the old file name.

Moving the mouse away doesn't help, bringing the mouse back still shows the out of date tool tip. clicking the mouse somewhere fixes it though.

this is with version 2.1.9

Cheers, Karl P

#2692 toolbar button toggling multi-connections on/off mikesmullin

In the last version I used (v2.x I think) there was a file menu option to enable/disable multiple connections. It looks like this disappeared in favor of a simpler interface in 3.x but I would like to explain why it is an important feature:

When I want to quickly transfer 1-3 text files under 10kb, I want to do so QUICKLY. I have noticed in my case having to wait for 3 new connections to be established with the server is MUCH SLOWER than just transferring these files one-by-one using the same connection.

Conversely, when I know I need to download a directory full of hundreds to thousands of these tiny files, it is fastest to do so with multiple connections.

I would like to be able to toggle multiple connections using a toolbar button, if possible in this v3.x.

#10264 duplicate toolbar and top of window are cut off on laptop as second screnn aboyer

System: Mac OS 10.9.5 FileZilla Client I am running a laptop connected to a larger monitor. Monitor and laptop windows align at top. Dock is on larger monitor but applications open on laptop.

Steps to reproduce: Open FileZilla client from dock or direct from applications folder. FileZilla opens on laptop screen. Toolbar is not visible, though it is checked on view menu. Top of main window is not visible, so initial file listing is only partly visible. There is no way to drag the window down.

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