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Results (151 - 153 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#4134 fixed Server time zone offset is incorrect Stig Arne Bye

I've discovered a bug in the server timezone offset settings.

The following table show my test results when trying to use different timezone offsets in FileZilla server preferences (Server Administration - Advanced tab).

Table columns
Local time:     Local computer time.
Setting:        Server timezone offset setting in FZ preferences.
Server time:    Server time shown AFTER adjusting timezone offset.
Actual offset:  The actual timezone offset using current setting.

  Local time   Setting   Server time  offset
  ----------   -------   -----------  -------
   12:00:00      -5 h     06:00:00      -6 h
   12:00:00      -4 h     07:00:00      -5 h
   12:00:00      -3 h     08:00:00      -4 h
   12:00:00      -2 h     09:00:00      -3 h
   12:00:00      -1 h     10:00:00      -2 h
   12:00:00       0 h     11:00:00      -1 h
   12:00:00      +1 h     13:00:00      +1 h
   12:00:00      +2 h     13:00:00      +1 h
   12:00:00      +3 h     14:00:00      +2 h
   12:00:00      +4 h     15:00:00      +3 h
   12:00:00      +5 h     16:00:00      +4 h

As seen from the above, when the offset is set to "0", the server time is shown as one hour behind, and using either "+1" or "+2" will both show the server time as one hour ahead...

This bug is present in FileZilla 3.1.6, but was also noticed in previous versions...!

#4141 fixed Problem with crashing when downloading folder/files very repeatable Kevin Fegan

Using Filezilla 3.2.0 (and also 3.1.6) Windows XP PRO SP1 on AMD Athalon

Connection is FTP on port 21

Filezilla was working fine on prior version. Upgraded to 3.1.6 in December 2008 and began having some crashes. Upgraded to 3.2.0 today (2008-01-07) and still have problems crashing.

Crash happens nearly every-time I try to download (backup) the Plugins folder for a WordPress Blog. I initiate the download by dragging plugins folder from remote filelist to local filelist. The folder that is being copied does not exist on the local computer prior to initiating the download on Filezilla.

The folder has only 153 files, 16 folders, about 2.5 MB.

Crashes with other folders as well but this is the folder I am working on right now, and it is the folder being copied when the attached logfile was created.

When Filezilla crashes, perhaps 50% to 75% of the download is complete. I get a Windows crash message with these details: AppName: filezilla.exe AppVer: ModName: msvcrt.dll ModVer: 7.0.2600.1106 Offset: 00033de0

Filezilla USUALLY continues to run behind the Win-error box and sometimes it even completes the files in the queue before the Filezilla window closes.

Sometimes during this downloading, after the Win-error box opens, Filezilla will show a file-exists dialog indicating that a zero-length file already exists at the destination. Of course the file did not exist at the target location before the download because the target folder did not exist then and it was created by Filezilla.

#4179 fixed Error connecting to server Silent

When I start the server, sometimes it starts sometimes it doesn't. There is no error message besides: error connecting to server. It keeps retrying but to no avail. Changing the server's port also does not help. How can I troubleshoot this, as sometimes it connects right away and sometimes it's impossible? Same settings, clean reboot, nothing seems to make a difference.

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