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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#10838 rejected FileZilla client checks for updates, even with "Check for FileZilla updates automatically: Never" C-Base

v3.16.1 gives an update for, even with the "check for update"-setting disabled. I am often abroad on a mobile pay-per-byte connection, and both dialog and mobile data costs pretty annoying.

I am aware of the general rule to install the latest version and try again before reporting the bug, which would ofcourse ' ' ' solve ' ' ' the problem as in not showing that there's a newer version.

My config (relevant sections):

<Setting name="Update Check">0</Setting> <Setting name="Update Check Interval">7</Setting> <Setting name="Last automatic update check">2016-05-16 23:01:59</Setting> <Setting name="Update Check New Version">nightly 2016-05-09 7088584 sha512 4c0b208c0d37cf4c0e24bea9dde489c0a6485692b2bf13b770769b4d7c7213d05af9110319d6f9ab73cdbd105bb95d3eb3fe60e69bd01307077d8c7bb98d23f4

release 6513888 sha512 4d5e5d426af9dd689cb8c070d528c849719dc18544de194475bf3a0f5e35f8c9d449749fb2074a68292579b267ee2b23d1e2b31bae20d7185aa44061cca6981c (2016-05-09) ... I removed 'whatsnew' items for bug report brevity ... </Setting>

<Setting name="Update Check Check Beta">0</Setting>

#10292 duplicate Version 3.10.2 CALSYSTECH

When attempting to upload using FileZilla the server access does not list the directories. Unable to list directories is the error. At first I thought it was my problem then discovered after the update from my older version ( is when the problem began. I rolled back to the version and the app began to work correctly. I now ignore the prompt to update each time it loads. I have other clients that use FileZilla and I recommend to them not to update until further notice about this problem being solved.

#12336 duplicate Lenghty wait to get to site after logging in CBSneyd

I created a new username and password on my Plesk FTP page. In FileZilla, I created a new site profile “Internic” using the new username and password, as shown on the attached FTP setup.png screen shot. I then attempted to connect and got stuck at the "Initializing TLS..." line on the message log for about 8 minutes before being asked to verify the certificate and getting to the site files. If I disconnect (CTRL+D) without exiting the program and then reconnect, I get to the site right away. If I exit the program and start the program again and try to connect, I get stuck on the same "Initializing TLS..." line and it can take anywhere from 3 to 9 minutes before getting in. On the same computer and using the same program, a different site on a different server has exactly the same problems. This does not happen on a different computer on the same home network connecting to the two sites on different servers, running the same version of FileZilla. Connection time is almost instantaneous. This can happen at any time of the day or day of the week. I am attaching a text file of a verbose timestamped message log from another session, and a text file showing system and program information from the FileZilla “About…” panel. According to “Your server is working and assorted routers/firewalls have been correctly configured for explicit FTP over TLS as performed by this test. However there have been warnings about compatibility issues, not all users will be able to use your server. For maximum compatibility, consider resolving these warnings.” The only warning in the log was “Warning: The entered address does not resolve to an IPv6 address.” I am attaching a text file of a verbose timestamped message log from another session, and a text file showing system and program information from the FileZilla “About…” panel

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