Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (148 - 150 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#5563 fixed Wrong filesize shown (2 GB for a file of 1.079.192 bytes) BurninLeo


I recently wondered that a file that should be around 1 GB was shown as "2 GB" in the FileZilla Client v3.3.4.1. After downloading from the Linux/Debian server, the file also had "2 GB" on the local disc - according to FileZilla Client. However the Windows Explorer is quite sure that it actually only has 1.02 GB.

If I change to more than 0 decimals in the settings, FileZilla shows a size of 1.03 GB. Therefore I guess FileZilla rounds up the filesize in a suboptimal way.


#4994 rejected Could not download files when name contains some characters Butter

When name contains polish character such as: ółęćż [I tested only such cases] I'm not able to download this file.[ sample name: Skóra.mp3]. I got enough privileges.

#9901 wontfix FileZilla gives erroneous failed message Ken

I have a very large file -- 320+MB -- and when I upload it to our FTP Side, after about 30-45 minutes, it ALWAYS ends on the Failed Transfers list with the reason "could not start transfer."

This error is (a) obviously erroneous as it just uploaded the file. I can verify this by first deleting the version on the site and then uploading a new version. When it's done uploading the new version is there; and (b) it didn't actually fail because if I download the file (which is a signed exe) it passes all integrity checks and its signature is still intact which it wouldn't be if it had failed.

If you'd like to grab the file to play with it's at:

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