Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (115 - 117 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#12780 worksforme attempting to enter folder called "Alcohol 120%" causes program to lockup DarkRolder

Hello, i am sumbitting this ticket i discovered a few years ago while browsing files on my server. i think the issue is the 20% specifically. but i havent done any specific testing. just thought i would let you know about this issue, that i am quite surprised hasnt been reported yet.

i have verfified if i remove the "%" from the folder name i have no problem entering the folder. its been a while since i was messing with is, but if i recall properly i created a folder with just "%" and that opened just fine but again probably should verify that.

#12778 fixed Maximum License count / remove old computer Mark Hahn

Good afternoon,

I am trying to install FileZilla Pro on a newer computer. I received a message that the license count has already been maxed out; however, I realized that I did not "deactivate" the license on one of my old computers. Are you able to assist in deactivating it from a former computer of mine? The computer has since been wiped and assigned to someone else; so there isn't an ability for me to access anything FileZilla related.

The order # is: <removed>

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you, Mark

#12777 wontfix FTBFS on i386 - Debian Phil Wyett

Last two version are not building correctly on i386.

See attached.

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