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Results (103 - 105 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#790 FileZilla strips leading / character Alexander Schuch mactfines

Novell's FTP server software allows one to access the files on ANY Novell file server in the directory tree, using this syntax:

cwd server/volume/dir/subdir

When I enter such a path in FileZilla (2.2.10), such as "admin/ groups/registrar", it strips the first '/' character, changing the string I entered to "/admin/groups/registrar", and as such returns a '550 invalid path' error.

Another FTP client, NCFtp ( had the same issue a few versions back, but has since been fixed. WS_FTP on Windows, Fetch and Transmit on Mac OSX, and the command line FTP program on any Mac/Linux/Windows system all work correctly with this functionality and do not have this issue.

Please take a look at it. We really like FileZilla, but with that problem accessing Novell's FTP server, we have to steer clear of it for now.

I can provide a test account to our Novell server if you don't have one available to test against.


#791 filezilla 2.2.8d deletes config file when crashing Alexander Schuch kbg

The other day i ran out of HD space. Filezilla was crashed . after reboot filezilla had erased my config file/replaced it with a new one.

Im using filezilla 2.2.8d (can't dl the newest version). and windows xp sp 2

I lost all my logins... sigh... maybe a backup file should be created whenever a write lock is made on the config file?

#794 SFTP download fails with "no such file or directory" Alexander Schuch keehan

I have tried to get support for this at the forum, but no ideas. See the thread at: t=606&highlight=sftp

The problem appears to be with SFTP in particular. The connection to the users home directory works fine, but issuing "download" in the home directory fails. Text from the thread:

We are trying to pull files down to the client via Filezilla's SFTP client and we are having a problem. The server is OpenSSH 3.7.1p2. When doing view/edit or download all return the following output:

Status: Starting download of /home/username/test.ksh Command: GET test.ksh C:\Documents and Settings\username.domain\Desktop\test.ksh FALSE Response: /home/usernametest.ksh: no such file or directory Error: Download failed

It looks like the response is missing a / between the directory and the filename. Is this a known issue? FYI...I tried to do the same transfer with the PuTTy client directly with the same results. I have been successful with the client and OpenSSH commandline client from UNIX.

I am attaching a debug trace if it helps. This is hight priority for us as we can't donwload any files through SFTP using Filezilla.

I have tested with the same results on Filezilla 2.2.8a through 2.2.10. The problem still exists.



P.S. From the is interesting to note the same problem directly in puTTY. Perhaps the problem is puTTY directly.

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