Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (100 - 102 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#3826 fixed queue size ignores number format Mats

Queue displays "MB" as "MiB" in lower right status line

#3834 fixed Local directory or file deleted when dragged and dropped to remote computer Petercro

On two occasions since installing version, when i have made file transfers by the usual drag and drop method, the original directory or file has been moved rather than copied. As i make a lot of transfers every day, this is concerning, as i do not now know what other files may have been moved without me noticing.

#3858 fixed Previously selected default file exist action working but not reselected. Brian Beharry

While transferring a file with the client(v3.1.3.1), if I: 1) Right click on the file being transferred in the transfer queue 2) Select Default file exists action... 3) Select a non-default action 4) Click OK 5) Right click on the file being transferred in the transfer queue 6) Select Default file exists action...

Now, I notice that nothing has changed.

Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.