Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (100 - 102 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#9657 outdated Unable to copy filepath brenna

I am unable to copy the filepath for Local Site or Remote Site as I was in earlier versions of FileZilla. I use this feature every day to send the location of files on our ftp to other members of my team. Can you look into it?

#3028 SFTP to VMS server doesn't work Alexander Schuch yeshua

When I SFTP to a VMS server, all directories show up as empty.

Trace logs indicate that OpenVMS's SFTP server lists directory contents as bare filenames, e.g.: Trace: JTEST.DSC;1 Trace: JTEST.DTA;1 Trace: JTEST.RMS$JOURNAL;2

FTP works.

#8733 outdated troubling uploading files ybodner

I upgraded to and I am using the latest version of FileZilla Ever since I upgraded, I am having problems uploading files to the server. I am using Windows 7. Every time I attempt to upload a file, I receive a message saying that the target file already exists, and there is a blank file with the correct name on the server, but it is blank and is 0 bytes. Even though I tell it to overwrite the existing file. It doesn't work. It shows up on the bottom as a failed File transfer with the reason "Could not start transfer". Please help!

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